Council Session Brief

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Written by Assistant Editor Jerry Lindsey

The Morrison City Council opened on August 28, 2023, with comments from citizen Brian Bartoz expressing his desire to maintain the intersection of Genesee and Highway 30 as it is currently functioning. Noting that 126 citizens have signed a petition desiring no change to the intersection. Bartoz detailed the IDOT five-year history of accidents on the various intersections showing only three collisions at the Genesee intersection which is the lowest figure recorded for the remaining intersections of Jackson, Cherry, Madison, Orange, or Base Street. Only Heaton, with zero collisions, was safer.   

Increased construction costs reported by City Administrator Brain Melton will require a change in sidewalk preparation along Route 78.  Temporary gravel sidewalks will be constructed on the west side of the new highway and permanent sidewalks will remain on the east until the final stages of construction are in progress in 2024.  

Melton also informed the council that the new Morrison City website would be introduced very soon and feature an active calendar of all city events and activities.

A unique event being created by the Department of Fun entitled “Funslinger Parade” was approved for September 9, 2023.  The Funslinger parade will travel a route beginning at the Whiteside County Fairgrounds and travel along Genesee Avenue toward the covered bridge before returning via Lister Road to the fairgrounds. Recreational vehicles are invited to register to qualify for traveling the Funslinger route which will offer various fun activities throughout the journey.

The Morrison City Council will convene again on September 11, 2023, at the Odell Library Meeting Room at 6:30 p.m.