Council Considers Main Street Parking

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Written by Assistant Editor Jerry Lindsey.

The Monday, May 22, 2023, meeting of the Morrison City Council opened with Morrison Police Chief Pedro Valladares presenting Certificates of Appreciation for Exceptional Service to Officer TJ Spencer and Officer Emmit Shepard.

Public Comment was offered by John Prange in his personal disapproval of the proposed placement of the US Cellar tower, near the new dog park on N. Genesee Street. Stating that the height (190 feet) would be a distraction for the surrounding environment, especially the attractive and historic covered bridge.

A second Public Comment was offered by Laini Houzenga, related to a recent incident of a citizen driving on the walkway of the Sports Complex, endangering the children actively enjoying the facility.

Public comments are welcome at all City Council gatherings, but responses will not be forthcoming [from the Council.]

Attorney Robert LeSage of Ward, Murray, Pace & Johnson P.C., presented information on the forming of TIF (Tax Incremental Financing) districts within the Morrison City Limits. TIF districts are used to establish improved taxing structures, that improve the attractiveness for investors. LeSage further defined a second development funding option, entitled a Business Development District.  This option offers sales tax incentives and reduced costs for business establishments. Additional discussions will be part of future Council meetings.

Among the Consent Agenda was the approval for a Main Street closure for a Car Show on Saturday, June 17, 2023, from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. and the appointment of Judy Deter to complete the three-year term of Deb Hauptman through 2025, at Odell Public Library.

The only Action Item approved was the seal coating of the Sports Complex Paths and Parking Lot in the summer of 2023.

The lengthy discussion evolved without any action being taken related to these issues:
A) allowing overnight parking on Main Street
B) regulation of motor vehicles within the Sports Complex and local Parks
C) establishing a “quiet zone” for Union Pacific Railroad and Federal Railroad Administration
D) proposed placement of a Cellular tower by Wireless Group Consultants and US Cellular.

The next Morrison City Council is scheduled for Monday, June 12, at 6:30 p.m., in  the Community Room of the Odell Public Library.