Council 2024 Schedule Approved

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The Morrison City Council convened on Monday, November 27, 2023, with Matt Tichler the only member failing to answer roll call.

The opening Action introduced the holiday and meeting schedule for fiscal year 2024.  The Council voted unanimously to the meeting dates to be the second and fourth Monday of each month, at 6:30 p.m. They approved a 15-day holiday schedule.

 A tax levy of $688,123 was unanimously approved for fiscal year 2024. It includes
General Corporate Tax ($149,299)
Odell Library ($89,579)
Odell Library Building ($11,944)
Police Protection ($44,760)
Morrison Fire Department (77,671)
Street Lighting Tax (29,860)
Cemetery ($14,930)
IMRF (86,593)
FICA ($89,579)
Audit ($7166)
Tort Liability and Property Insurance ($65,691)
Emergency Service/Disaster Ops ($1021.) 

City Manager Brian Melton introduced a plan to upgrade communications among the Council and Staff, by purchasing laptop computers for each Councilman. The Council approved the purchase of 12 computers from William and Mary Computer Center for $7188.

The bidding process was waived for the purchasing of a new field groomer for the Sports Complex ball diamonds. The groomer, when properly operated, prolongs the field quality and assists in building a positive reputation for the complex. The groomer was approved for purchase at the price of $35,700, by a close vote of 4-3.

A Pay Request for construction work on the Watermain Project of $332,730.52 was unanimously approved.

In a final Action, the Council designated certain used equipment as “surplus,” so it could be made available to the public through a local web auction site.