Community Invited to St. Anne’s Sesquicentennial

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church stanneThe Episcopal Church of St. Anne, 401 N. Cherry Street, Morrison, IL, is celebrating 150 years of Worship Saturday, October 17, 2015.  The Warden, Vestry, and members of the parish invite the community to celebrate with them.

Festivities begin at 1:30 p.m. with The Holy Eucharist.  The Celebrant will be Fr. John Heschlé, the first rector of the church when The Church of St. Anne attained full self-supporting status on January 12, 1986.  Special music will be provided by former church organist Cynthia Perrizo, Morrison.

At 3:00 Sculptor David Seagraves, Elizabeth, IL, will give an informational Art Talk about sculptures that he has done for The Church of St. Anne.  These include

  • the Crucifix above the alter
  • a statue of St. Anne with St. Mary
  • the four Archangels which compose the alter railing
  • the top of the baptismal font
  • the Resurrection Garden limestone sculpture of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

Fr. Andy Bro, Lake Carroll, IL, will share details about the Icon at the baptismal font, painted by his wife, Lu Bro.  

Following this, High Tea will be served in the Undercroft, by The Episcopal Church Women (ECW) of St. Anne’s.

The Gala Festivities conclude with a Parish Dinner at The Oak Room, Prairie Ridge Golf Course, 903 W. Morris Street, at 5:30.  Friends of The Church of St. Anne are also welcome to attend.  Reservations are required by Thursday, October 8.  You may call Jalayne at 815-778-3664 for more information.

The Church of St. Anne is an inclusive Episcopal Church worshiping in the Anglo-Catholic tradition.

St. Anne’s Episcopal Church goes back informally to Civil War times.  For many years following the great conflict, worshipers met in homes and read morning and evening prayer services.  When their number increased, they rented quarters.  As late as 1880 the Diocesan Journal listed Morrison as an unorganized mission.

In 1883, a gift of $120 enabled the group to purchase a lot at the corner of Cherry and Knox Streets.  The church was built at a cost of $1800, ready for formal services Thanksgiving 1883, and dedicated on March 16, 1884.  On November 22, 1888, at the Bishop’s first visitation to the new mission, he consecrated the building and baptized the first child born in Morrison, whose name was Minnie E. Vroom born in 1855.

Please join us to celebrate 150 years of service in our Morrison community.

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