City of Morrison Urges Compliance to COVID-19 Guidelines

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Morrison, IL, Mayor Everett Pannier, City Administrator Barry Dykhuizen, and Chief of Police Brian Melton strongly urge our community to comply with the precautions and guidelines established by the Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH), in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Following are Emergency Rule precautions and guidelines that are in place, through the IDPH.   Below that are the City enforcement guidelines within the Emergency Rule.

Any individual (over two years old and medically able to) when in a public place and unable to maintain at least a six-foot social distance, shall be required to cover their nose and mouth with a face covering, whether inside or outdoors.

Any business, service, facility, or organization open to the public shall require employees, customers, and other individuals on premise to cover their nose and mouth with a face covering and if unable to maintain at least a six-foot social distance.  Such places that offer in-person consumption may permit those same persons to remove face coverings only while eating or drinking, but they must require face coverings at all other times.

Gatherings of more than 50 people (or 50% or more of a building’s maximum occupancy) are prohibited unless exempted by law or Executive Order.

As of Saturday, October 3, 2020, there are Resurgence Mitigation Guidelines which further restrict bars, restaurants, and social gatherings.  Bars and restaurants are to close by 11:00 p.m. and have no indoor service (carry-out only) along with other restrictions without outdoor service/seatingSocial gatherings are to be limited to less than 25 guests or 25% of overall maximum occupancyGaming and casinos may be open until 11:00 p.m. and are limited to 25% capacity.

More specific information and detailed guidelines are available at

The City of Morrison is working with the Whiteside County Health Department to ensure compliance.  Morrison Police Department will monitor and respond to complaints of non-compliance, following the enforcement guidelines within the Emergency Rule.

Step One:  Notice of Non-Compliance–A written notice issued to the business in violation, bringing to their attention the violations and actions necessary to become compliant, within a given time period.

Step Two:  Order to Disperse–A written order issued to the business in violation, for those on premises to disperse in order to reach compliance.  This is issued following a continued violation after Step One.

Step Three:  Complaint–A report and complaint filed by Morrison Police Department with the Whiteside County State’s Attorney’s Office, to review for prosecution.  This follows a continued violation after Step Two.

Questions may be directed to:

Mayor Everett Pannier 815-772-7657<>

City Administrator Barry Dykhuizen 815-772-7657<>

Chief of Police Brian Melton 815-772-7650<>.

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