City Council Report March 14

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In spite of the fact that the non-Daylight-Saving-Time wall clock read 6:00 on Monday, March 14, 2016, Mayor Everett Pannier called the City of Morrison Council Meeting to order at 7:00 p.m., in the Whiteside County Board Room, 400 N. Cherry Street, Morrison, IL. He called for adjournment at 7:43.  In attendance were City Administrator Barry Dykhuizen; Treasurer Evan Haag; Director of Public Works Gary Tresenriter; Chief of Police Brian Melton; Sports Complex Director Jim DuBois; Fehr Graham City Engineer Shawn Ortgiesen; Aldermen Curt Bender, Michael Blean, Arlyn Deets, Dale Eizenga, Dave Helms, Vernon Tervelt, and Harvey Zuidema.  This was Blean’s last Council meeting.

Reports of City Officers and Department Heads

  • Tresenriter reported making phone calls regarding “our IDNR (Illinois Department of Natural Resources) permit” for the Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP.)  “A structural engineer is reviewing it,” and should notify Tresenriter “next week, hopefully.  Work on the Excess Flow [Storage] Pond is waiting.  On Wednesday[, March 15,] semi loads of rebar are coming.  Ninety-five percent of the treatment process takes place in the Aero-Mod.”
  • Ortgiesen noted, “Wall Street [resurfacing] bids are being taken, [until Wednesday,] April 20.”  Regarding the WWTP, [he is] “looking for a water main loop permit.”
  • The Mayor called the IDNR Director; he will call back.

Consent Agenda items were approved without discussion.
     1. February 22, 2016, Regular Session Minutes
     2. March 1, 2016, Special Session Minutes
     3. Bills Payable of $236,625.26
     4. February 2016 Treasurer’s Report
     5. Proclamation, Motorcycle Awareness Month:  May 2016
     6. Proclamation, Junior Achievement Day:  April 7, 2016
     7. Application for Payment #3/Request for Loan Disbursement #4, Wastewater Treatment Plant

Items for Consideration and Possible Action
     1. Aldermen approved plans for a Kelly Park Foot Bridge.–Russ Renner presented ideas for a new, higher footbridge, which physics students will design and build “a year from now.”  He is a member of the Illinois Society of Professional Engineers.  He will discuss engineering and design principles at Morrison High School, proposing a “real-world application.”  Renner hopes for two or three designs, to be presented to the City Council.  He estimated a “cost of $1500 to $2000 using inexpensive lumber,” but he might “raise the bridge above water, maybe using concrete” approaches.  His “goal is not to cost the City anything.  The school is on board.”  Besides physics students, he “may add shop classes to fabricate parts.” 
     2. Aldermen approved plans for French Creek Park Tree Plantings by the Morrison Garden Club, pending approval by the Parks and Rec Board.–Members Mary Ann Chatterton, Sharon Moore, and Mary Lutwesen attended.  The Club met Thursday, March 3, to discuss types of trees to suggest and costs. City funds will come from a $25,000 landscaping bequest from the late Margaret “Margie” Haines, in honor of her mother, Margaret “Alene” Haines, who was very active in the Garden Club.  Lutwesen noted “root propagated trees, [planted] 40′ apart [would] develop a nice forest canopy over time.”  Costing $15 per pot, 6′ high trees with stems the diameter of a thumb, “could cost $7200.”  The Garden Club will work in conjunction with Whiteside County Soil and Water Conservation District.  Trees that grow will “suck up a lot of water,” so the area won’t be as wet.  CA Dykhuisen said, “It seems like a good fit/proposal” to use the donation which the City has accepted.  “The Parks and Rec Board will meet this week.  Jim [DuBois] thinks it will be reviewed and accepted.”  Zuidema noted a provision to recognize Alene Haines in some way is required in the bequest.  Lutwesen said, “Maybe an engraved rock would work.”    

Other Items for Consideration and Discussion and Information
     1. CA Dykhuisen discussed saving City costs by encouraging Community Room users to clean it after their event.  Rental fees account for $2000 per year, but $8000 is budgeted for cleaning, maintenance, and repairs.  City Clerk Schroeder noted “everyone has access to [on-site] cleaning supplies.”  Currently, the dining room rents for $40; the kitchen rents for an additional $15.  She added it is nearly impossible to clean the room, with water and mops, if the group does not rent the kitchen.  Water would have to be obtained at the bathroom sinks.  CA Dykhuisen noted,  if there is a future fee change “we must amend the fee schedule in the City Ordinance.”
     2. CA Dykhuisen stated he had given out a first draft of the proposed budget.  “In the next couple weeks we will plan a second Budget Meeting, [probably] at the end of March.  We will make it available to the public at the first April Council Meeting [Monday, April 11,] and approve it at the second meeting [Monday, April 25].

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