Changes on

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Have you noticed things look a bit different on, as of Monday, March 18, 2013?  Get to know the new  Share your comments on the Forum, under “Site Related/Suggestion Box.”

Why the changes?  We updated the core Content Management System–which lays out the site and “makes it work.”  Such updates are necessary to take advantage of new features and better security.  

What has changed?  

MENUS have a different look and feel.  There are now drop-down lists from the new blue band, across the top of the pages.  Select your category to open a list of articles.  Here is where to find Obituraries, and School, Law Enforcement, Events, and Government articles,

The useful LINKS menu was moved to the top, left corner of the Home Page.   

All CLASSIFIED ADS are now free.  First-time users must register on the Classified Ads page.  Everyone can create, edit, and delete their 30-day, text ad.  If you include photos, there will be a charge.  You can “Pay Us Directly” or by “PayPal.”

The BUSINESS DIRECTORY now is part of the Classifieds Ads page. 



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