Changes on MCUD 6 Board

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Assistant Editor Jerry Lindsey submitted this report.

The Morrison, IL, Board of Education meeting on Monday, April 19, 2021, opened with the swearing in of newly elected members Brian Witt and Dustin Damhoff.  Former Board member Erin Luckey was sworn in as an appointed Board member, to fill the final open seat.  Election of officers followed, with Gus Linke, Jr. filling the President’s seat.  Other officers included Jim Ridley as Vice President; Terri Wilkens as Secretary; Laurie Helms as President pro-tempore.

Superintendent Scott Vance explained the Nicor [gas] invoice that had elevated from a normal $9000 monthly amount to over $25,000.  It was due to the winter events in Texas.  Following the explanation, the Consent Agenda was unanimously approved.

Vance reported that the enrollment is at 970 students, which is 46 less than this time in 2020.  Technology Director Duane Shafer reported the arrival of 350 new Chromebooks and the receipt of a grant, that will allow 36 families to have in-home Wi-Fi for 60 months, to aid remote learning for more Morrison students.

A unanimous vote was given for the District 6 Office to be moved from the Junior High to the Morrison Farm Bureau building, effective Tuesday, June 1, 2021.  Monthly Board meetings would be held in the newly remodeled office area at 100 E. Knox Street.

In other action, approval was given to accept the bids for new playground equipment at Northside and Southside Schools.  Bid was $151,875 with alternate bids for a Crack Control Mat for $65,000 and a bid of $38,800 to remove the Northside playground and footings.

Probationary teachers were approved upon completion of the 2021 school year.

  • First Year:  Amber Blumhoff, Tom Drosopoulos, Joshua Robbins
  • Second Year:  Gabrielle Cultra, Tomas Frank, Jennifer Greer, Emily Kirkland, Annie Palmer, Joplin Sell, Jennifer Streets
  • Third Year:  Stephanie Briggs, Brett Chappell, Tonia Prombo, Jamie Rodriquez, Benjamin Sutton
  • Tenure:  Brain Bartoz, Kerry Grimm, Jamie Harmon, Ceara Stanton, Jennifer Stevenson, Justin Stevenson, Amanda Tedder, Nathan Vandermyde.

Additional personnel hirings included Dana Bass (PreK Special Education teacher); Jordan Johnston (HS Math); Jessica Prowant (Northside Counselor.)

In final action, the Board agreed to meet on the third Monday of each month for the 2021-2022 school year.

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