CGH Health Foundation Silent Auction May 13

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DogBasketEditor’s note:  The photo is from the files of

A tisket, a tasket, come look at over 160 baskets which will be up for bid Friday, May 13, 2016, at CGH Medical Center, 100 E. LeFevre Road, Sterling, IL.  The annual Silent Auction extravaganza is a fundraiser for the CGH Health Foundation Annual Appeal and is being sponsored by the CGH Employee Division Committee.

This event is open to the public.  It features a basket silent auction from 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. in the CGH Ryberg Auditorium, Classroom 1 and Classroom 2.

“There’s something for everyone, with so many themes represented this year,” said Mary Spitzer and Mary Jean Derreberry, CGH Employee Division co-chairs, “whether it’s for a baby shower, graduation, Father’s Day, or Memorial Day–we’ve got it.”

Colorful t-shirts will be sold along with tickets for a 50/50 Raffle.  The tickets are 1 for $1 or 6 for $5.  The winner will be drawn at 3:30.  You need not be present to win. T-shirts are $15 each for crew neck style and $17 for v-neck shirts.  All adult sizes are available.

On Wednesday, May 25, the public is welcome to check out the Bake Sale and Dessert Auction, sponsored by the CGH Health Foundation Employee Division Committee.  This event will be in the Ryberg Auditorium from 7:00 a.m. until all goodies are gone.  Dessert Auction bidding will end at 1:00 p.m.  Over 80 bakers will be sharing their culinary delights for this event.  Get there early for the best selection!

Cash, checks, or credit/debit cards will be taken.

The CGH Health Foundation continues to help adults and children in the Sauk Valley lead healthier lives.  Proceeds stay local and will help fund these Foundation programs:

  • Love on a Leash
  • Eyeglasses for Kids/Adults
  • Prescott Dental Clinic
  • Scholarships
  • Medication Assistance Program
  • Community Health Network
  • Workplace Wellness
  • Cardiac Wellness
  • Nutrition and Fitness
  • Transportation Assistance
  • Ways to Wellness
  • Protecting Our Infants
  • Main Clinic Oncology Renovation
  • Diabetes Education
  • Women’s Health.

Co-chairs for the Employee Division Committee include Mary Jean Derreberry and Mary Spitzer.  Silent Auction Co-chairs are Julia Headrick and Mimi Hicks.  T-Shirt Committee Co-Chairs are Berta Crofton and Sandra Williams.  Bake Sale and Dessert Auction Co-Chairs are Deb Haan and Janice Repass.

For more information or to make a contribution, contact Amanda Blaine, Foundation Development Officer, at 815-625-0400, extension 5575, or email

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