
Cancelled Paint the Town Morphed and Survived

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This article was written by Stephanie Vavra.

Everyone had advance knowledge that thunderstorms likely would cancel the busiest weekend in Morrison, IL’s, social calendar.  Thousands of enthusiastic participants and observers of Rotary Harvest Hammer and CAPA’s Paint the Town surely would be disappointed.  Revenues would be lost to those organizations, local businesses, PTT food vendors, and Morrison High School Cheerleaders.  Last-minute decisions were made.  The Harvest Hammer was blessed by a hold on the rain until all racers had finished.  However, many bikers in the Duathlon event were required to cease when lightning struck; the Color Run was cancelled, too.  The MHS Cheerleader pancake breakfast will be rescheduled.

Early on Saturday, September 21, 2019, Paint the Town notified thecity1com that ” the event must be cancelled.  The forecast for heavy rain and storms means [participants] will not be safe on the street, and paint will not adhere.”  Painting supplies and the extra-special 25th anniversary t-shirts would be available for easy pick up for five days.

However, Paint the Town was not over.  People seized the opportunity to became flexible thinkers and still enjoy an art experience.   With supplies in hand, the canvas that was to be City streets shifted to sidewalks, garages, sheds, and pumpkins.

Downtown window painters continued in the light afternoon rain.  Three generations of Brandon family and friends completed six windows that were begun Friday, September 20.  Below, Linda Brandon, Morrison, stood with family friend and artist, Linda White of Warren, PA.  Across the street, Emily Brandon Scott and cousin Luke Berry each embellished a window.  Grandfather Bob Brandon, Morrison, was a few buildings to the west.  Elsewhere, Samantha Brandon and a friend (Savanna) adorned windows. Artist Theresa Brandon painted a large photo board for visitors to stand before.  It can be used for future PTT events, as it is not specific to 2019.  It was initiated while people picked up their bags. 






























































Ryder garage 30 people, 19 squares

Nesti garage


Pre-ordered, logo-designed paint bags were distributed Saturday afternoon, September 21.  Pictured left-to-right are, seated, Katie Selburg ?, and Jan Roggy; standing, ?, ?, Bill McNeal, ?. and Mandy Roggy; in the back room, ? and ?.

As she helped distribute 25th anniversary PTT bags, Selburg observed, “Now the whole town truly will be painted!”  It was a shared celebration beyond Main Street, Morrison.



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