
Busy New Year Starts for Morrison Lions

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LionsLogo400Morrison Lions Club members and spouses enjoyed a dinner at the Forest Inn on Thursday evening, August 9, 2018.  Following dinner new officers for the 2018-2019 year were installed, with Past District Governor (PDG) Ruth Lyle doing the installation rites.

Lion Officers include Darlene Smith, President; Martha Kophamer, Vice President; Bob Countryman, Secretary; Jim Blakemore, Treasurer; Ken Jansma, Tail Twister; Clarence Harridge, Lion Tamer.  Board Members are Tracy Muur and Keith Hamstra.

Standing left-to-right are Muur, Smith, Jansma, Countryman, Kophamer, Blakemore, and Hamstra.  Seated are PDG Lyle and Harridge.


PDG Lyle also presented a Melvin Jones Award to Aaron Johnson.


With a successful Recycle Day completed, Morrison Lions Club members will be at various locations on Friday, October 12, and Saturday, October 13, collecting for the annual Candy Day. A portion of the monies collected is forwarded to Lions of Illinois Foundation, to support vision and hearing programs.  The balance is retained by the local club and used for vision and hearing.  When you see a Lion wearing a Candy Day vest, please consider supporting this good cause and receive some candy.

A big thank you to the community for the dollar donations received at the Recycle Day.  The monies received will be used for vision, hearing, and community needs.  At this time we have not received all the statistics from vendors, but when all is received, the information will be given to you.  Statistics to date are quite overwhelming!  The Recycle Day was a great way for Morrison Lions to say to the community “We Serve.”

Some Morrison Lions Club members will participate in the Homecoming Parade on Friday, September 28.  The theme for the parade is “On the Road.”  With good weather, you will see how Lions are “on the road.”  Another way Morrison Lions are on the road is the cleanup of a one-mile stretch of Highway 30, east of Morrison, IL.  Fall cleanup is tentatively scheduled for Saturday, October 20.

The club voted to make an annual donation to the Helping Hand Group.  This group purchases clothing items for area children in need and is distributed at the Food Pantry distribution day, held prior to Christmas Day.  Reimbursement was also made to CGH Health Foundation for the Eyeglasses for Kids and Adults for Morrison area children and residents.

Our next meeting will be Tuesday, October 2, at noon at Happy Joe’s, 109 W. Main Street, Morrison.  Karla Burn is in charge of the program.  We invite anyone interested in learning more about Lions and their programs and services to come to any of our meetings, held at noon on the first and third Tuesday.  You can also visit our website at

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