
Bustos’s Statement on Historic Biden-Harris Inauguration

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BidenHarrisFistsOn Inauguration Day, Wednesday, January 20, 2021, Congresswoman Cheri Bustos issued this statement, after the historic inauguration of President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris:

“Today, I had the honor of joining my colleagues in the House and Senate, Democrats and Republicans, to witness a moment in American history….President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris joined the ranks of those who have served our Nation as its highest leaders.

“This celebratory moment will be marked in the history books, but it follows a time that future generations will look back on with dismay.   [It included] the worst economic turmoil our Nation has seen since the Great Depression, an attack on our Nation’s Capitol by domestic terrorists, two impeachments in a single Presidential term, and more than 400,000 Americans lost to a global pandemic.

“President Biden and Vice President Harris will lead us to brighter days ahead.

“America has always overcome incredible challenges, not bowed down to fear or hate.  And as we turn the page today, we can begin to tell our American story of a people that, when faced with deep divisions, chose instead to stand together and move forward as one Nation.

“President Biden and Vice President Harris now begin the real work of getting our arms around the COVID-19 pandemic, building our economy back better, rebuilding our crumbling infrastructure, expanding access to affordable health care, delivering broadband for all Americans, and working toward the ideals of equality and access to opportunity that are core to our shared values.  I stand alongside them, ready to get to work.”

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