Brownies, Masons, and Seahorses at Work

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While running an errand, it was convenient to make other stops on a fine Saturday, morning, April 26, 2014.  Bright sunshine had begun to warm the air, making it pleasant to chat with the following Morrison, IL, groups.  Each had something to offer the public.


From 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., Brownie Troops 1372 and 1395 held a garage and bake sale at 307 S. Base Street.  Jayda, left, and Seriphyna stood by the sign promoting contact information for joining the Girl Scout program at any age level, K through grade 12.  Five Brownie Girl Scouts were on hand; in the front row is Emma.  Left-to-right behind her are Seriphyna, Jayda, and Diana.  

Seriphyna became my personal Shopping Assistant.  She guided me to the young girls’ clothing in the garage, without my telling her my interests!  Jayda asked if I wanted to purchase the silver, sequined necklace stand, shaped like a dressmaker’s form.  It came complete with sparkly mini skirt and matching purse.  I was tempted, but she told me she wanted it.  All proceeds will help local animals.  With this “Take Action Project” the girls completed their Girl Scout Journey requirement.


Masonic Dunlap Lodge #321 A.F. & A. M.manned the Community State Bank “sandwich corner,” at IL Route 78 and U. S. Highway 30.  They are the second non-profit organization to hold a sale this season.  Local Boy Scouts had a cooler day last week on Saturday, April 19.  Michael Ottens stated the funds raised are “for our [numerous] charities.”  Left-to-right are members Marshall Phil Olht; Junior Deacon Shaun McCrary; Treasurer Ken Schaver; Junior Warden Harvey Tegeler; Worshipful Master Mike Ottens; Secretary John Miller; grillmaster Keith Jones.

Look for the Masons during Paint the Town on Saturday, September 20, said Miller.  They will sell fresh-baked Manny’s pizza and provide a sit-down dining area.


On S. Madison Street at the intersection with E. Market, bags of topsoil were being sold by the Morrison Seahorse Swim Club and their adult helpers.  Whiteside County Sheriff’s Deputy/Swim Dad Andy Henson happily stated, “We had one order of 400 bags, and we didn’t have to deliver it!”  Shown left-to-right in front are Jamie Harmon, Lisa James, Laney Edgeton, BayLeigh Brewer, Schyon Drolema, Chelsea Brewer, and Quinn JamesStan Steines, Andy Henson, and Myriah Drolema are in the back row.


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