Bielema + Wiersema = 50 Years of Service

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firefighter watchHow does one symbolize a quarter-century of devotion to a volunteer force?  The Morrison Fire Department honors its members who served their community for 25 years with a gold Bulova “Caravelle” watch.  The engraved timepiece reads, “MFD,” then the recipient’s name, and the 25th anniversary date.  Presentations are made at one of two monthly meetings of the department.

No one would describe the job of a firefighter as less than demanding.  Aside from the real risks to their life, there is a rigorous skill set to learn and continually update.  New equipment must be mastered. Education of youth and the community is an ongoing duty, as is fundraising.  However, these watches are not seen as retirement symbols by the men, who could work to age 65. 

The precious metal symbolizes the value of the service; the dependable, prestigious brand reminds the wearer of his dependability to safeguard lives and property.

Two members of the Morrison, IL, squad received their commemorative watches in 2013 from Chief David Benters:  John Bielema and Keith Wiersema.

On May 4, 1988, Bielema joined the Morrison Fire Department.  He is married to Charleene; they have two sons, Kevin and Darrin.  His brother, Joe Bielema, is a Morrison 29-year fire fighter; their brother, the late Terry Bielema, was a member of the Fulton, IL, Fire Department.

Bielema is a long-time custodian at Northside School, 520 N. Genesee Avenue, Morrison.  He can reach the fire station in two-to-five minutes when he is on call, “depending on what part of the building I am in and how long it takes to let the secretary know.”

 He was once injured during fire duty, when “a piece of burnt wood flew in my eye.”

What gives you the most satisfaction as a fireman?  “Helping others and our town,” he answered.

Which was the worst fire you attended?  “The first fire [at] the Pessman’s.  They had to hose me down.  My coat was steaming!”  Bielema responded to the large Prophetstown, IL, fire on Monday, July 15, 2013.

How would you describe your best day as a firefighter?  “When Ken A. backed out of a field fire to safety.”

Have you received any recognitions in your volunteer “career?”  Bielema said he “receiv[ed] Fireman of the Year for 2012.”

On Wednesday, May 21, 2013, John Bielema, left, was received a gold watch for his quarter of a century of service.  Chief Benters made the presentation at the station. 

John Bielema

On September 21, 1988, Keith Wiersema joined the Morrison Fire Department.  He is married to Susan; their children are Amanda and Ryan.  He is the first fire fighter in his family.

Wiersema is employed as Manager, Auto Body Tech, and Painter at Rick’s Auto Body, 311 E. Lincolnway Road, Morrison.  He can reach the fire station in less than three minutes if needed.

What have you learned as a fireman that carries over into other aspects of your life?  “You have to have respect for the chain of command or who is in charge, or people get hurt.”  He has never been injured during fire or rescue duties.

What gives you the most satisfaction as a fireman?  “Helping out people in need and driving the big trucks with the lights,” he replied.

Which was the worst fire you attended?   “The Volkman [Furniture] Building by G. E.”  That answer is not surprising.  In a past interview, Joe Bielema reported the “Volkman Furniture fire was a big fire.  It was an empty factory, old wood, brick and timber construction, with a lot of fire load in that one.”  Other men have mentioned it, too.

How would you describe your best day as a firefighter?  “Listening to some old timers talk about some of the times they had.”

Have you received any recognitions in your volunteer “career?”  He was “Fireman of the Year [for 2013].  Officers choose [the recipients.  It was] started by Bill Vos.” 

Wiersema added, “In the last 25 years, there have been a lot of changes in the fire service, some of which I agree with, and some I don’t.  But what we have in Morrison is a lot of good volunteers.  Also, the community supports us very well.  I remember my dad telling me once, that everybody gives in their own way, and that’s what makes the world go around.”

On Wednesday, September 18, 2013, Kieth Wiersema, left, was received a gold watch for his quarter of a century of service.  Chief Benters made the presentation at the station.

Keith Wiersema

“At this time” neither man plans to retire from the squad.  In the–hopefully–distant future, John Bielema’s and Keith Wiersema’s names will be engraved on the Firemen’s Memorial Park marker, which rests in Grove Hill Cemetery.  It was built in the fall of 2008 and dedicated October 11, 2009. 

Bielema’s brother, Joe, stated, “There is a centerpiece stone with names of deceased members of the department who served at least 25 years.  Paving bricks [are engraved with] names of retirees with ten or more years of experience.”

Stop there sometime to read the names of our local, loyal first responders who answered the calls.




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