Beware of Bad Callers

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Editor’s note:  Chris Larson, Rock River Energy Services, Co. in Oregon, IL, wrote the City of Morrison, IL, with this warning.

Dear Valued Rock River Energy Customers:

Recently some of our customers have been receiving a rash of calls from a company called Realgy.  They state that they are from ComEd and want to review your bills.  Mike [Mudge] received a call personally from them, also.  It took a while before they admitted that they were not ComEd.

They claim they can save 20% on the energy portion [of your electric bill] and that they can save on the delivery charges, also.  [Mudge] had asked about a rate, and they stated their savings was based on the rate he was already paying.  They danced all around his questions and would not take “No” for an answer.

Finally, Mike said, “I respectfully decline your offer,…no thanks.”  They finally hung up after about ten minutes of arguing with him.

They are very good.  They have the customers get [their electric] bills out and ask them some questions.  They have no idea that many customers already have contracts and that there could be termination fees [for customers who switch to a new provider].

We had a school district that fell for this.  We are in the rescission stage with them now.  Everything was done over the phone.   We have had a few other calls, as well.

Customers can be subjected to a termination fee from the present supplier for  switching before the end of their contract.  The rate is still unknown until you receive a bill.  The discounted monthly delivery charge is in addition to their energy charge.  There is no ComEd delivery charge discount.

Realgy is not the only supplier using misleading tactics.  Some call, some come to your door.  While not all of them are dishonest there is a high prevalence of misleading tactics, so we need to caution you to beware.  If have received, or you get, any similar calls or visits, PLEASE DO NOT GIVE THEM ANY ELECTRIC OR GAS ACCOUNT INFORMATION.

Feel free to call Rock River Energy Services at 815-732-4603 or your agent to discuss.  If you end up getting a ComEd switch letter, call us immediately.

Best regards,

Chris Larson

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