Battle of the Badges ARC Blood Drive

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Team Leader Kaywyn Beswick wrote the press release and submitted the photograph.

The American Red Cross Blood Drive is Thursday, March 16, 2023, from noon to 6:00 p.m. Only seven open appointments are available: three Double Red Cell/Power Red donors, and four Whole Blood donors.

March is Red Cross Month. In order to recruit new blood donors, Morrison Community Blood Program Team Leader, Kaywyn Beswick, put out a plea to Morrison Fire Department, Morrison Police Department, and Whiteside County Sheriff’s Office. She encouraged the local Law Enforcement members to come donate.

The photo shows, from left-to-right, Firemen Keith Wiersema and Joe R. Bielema; Kaywyn Beswick; Police Officer Kevin Soenksen and Chief of Police Pedro Valladares.

Not only Law Enforcement personnel are invited to donate. First time, lapsed, and regular doors who donate will save up to three lives. For new donors coming to donate, please drink an extra 32 ounces of water that day before donating, eat a good meal, and bring a photo ID.

“My donor list has gotten smaller, since I started coordinating blood drives back in 2009. Some of the donors have developed medical issues, heart and/or blood pressure problems, cancer, or even have passed away. I’m just trying to–pardon the pun–get some new blood sources to the patients.”

Son and father, Brad and Joe Bielema, are regular blood donors.