Basketball Camp for Lil’ Fillies

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Second year Morrison Varsity Basketball coach Tyler Whitebread will be offering a youth basketball camp for 3rd through 8th grade girls.

Coach Whitebread and current Varsity Fillies players will be instructing the youth in the basic skills needed to be successful in playing the game of basketball.  Concentration will be focused on ball handling, passing, defensive skills, individual offensive skills, and shooting.

To best address the skill levels, the groups will be divided into 3rd through 5th graders and 6th through 8th graders.

Date:  Monday, June 3, through Friday, June 7, 2013

Place:  Morrison Junior High School,300 Academic Drive

Times:  3rd-5th grade–9:00 to 10:30 a.m.; 6th-8th grade–10:30 a.m. to 12:00 noon

Cost:  $30 (Includes camp t-shirt.)

Print the registration form below.

Whitebread stated, “I am pleased to offer a basketball developmental skills camp to our Lil’ Fillies….There will be some exciting changes to this year’s camp.  The two most exciting will be the granting of individual skill awards and my being assisted by our current Fillies players.  I believe our current players will serve as great role models for our younger players.”

“A few of the specific skills to be targeted are as follows:
Defensive Skills:  stance, footwork, closing out, rebounding.
Offensive Skills:  moving without the ball, pass receiving, passing, triple-threat position, dribbling.
Shooting:  lay-ups, form shooting, free throws.”

Lil’ Fillies Basketball Camp

NAME:  __________________________________ 

PHONE #:  ___________________

GRADE ENTERING IN THE FALL:  ____________________

EMERGENCY CONTACT:  ______________________     

PHONE #:  ________________

T-SHIRT SIZE:  YS    YM   YL   AS   AM   AL              

Payments may be made to MHS.  

By Wednesday, May 15, 2013, please return the form and payment to: 

Morrison High School School, Attn:   Tyler Whitebread,  643 Genesee Ave, Morrison IL  61270. 

WAIVER:  In consideration of your acceptance of this entry. I, intending to be legally bound hereby, for myself, my heirs, executors, and administrators, waive and release Morrison High School, their agents, committees, and members from any or all claims on rights to damage for injuries or losses suffered by me directly or indirectly in training, or traveling to, or from, or competing in or attending the MHS Summer Basketball Camp.

Signed______________________________________________________            Date________________


Signed______________________________________________________            Date________________

   Parent / Guardian











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