Balanced Budget Passes Both Houses

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Illinois State Representative Tony McCombie released the following statement after voting in favor of the first truly balanced State budget since 2001.  The legislation passed with broad bipartisan support.  The Senate approved the budget Wednesday, May 30, 2018, and the House passed the budget Thursday, May 31.  This Fiscal Year 2019 budget is a balanced, full-year budget that relies on no new tax increases and meets the May 31 deadline, ensuring timely enactment on July 1, 2018.  Both budget bills passed the House with over 95 votes.

“When I first took the Oath of Office, January of [2017], I asked members of the General Assembly to respectfully come together, consider each other’s priorities, and negotiate a balanced budget.  This budget, unlike last year, accomplishes that.”

“The budget is not perfect, but it includes my top priorities of no additional tax increases; fully funding education; securing MAP Grants; increasing local Government dollars; paying our front line workers; fully funding our agencies and social services; paying our past-due bills.”

“The Legislature still has much work to do….  I look forward to being part of the solution to structurally reform Illinois in the years to come.”

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