August 9 School “Make a Difference Day”

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wheelbarrow-toolsMorrison Community Unit District #6 will host the second annual “Make a Difference Day” on Saturday, August 9, 2014, beginning at 8:00 a.m.  Can you help prepare the schools and grounds for the new academic year?  If so, contact Tori Eads or Assistant Superintendent Scott Vance, in the Unit District office, at 815-772-2064, prior to the 9th.

Below are tasks the crews will try to accomplish during the work day.  Choose one and call the District office to volunteer.  If you have no preference, simply show up at any of the schools and volunteer for a job-that-needs-doing: 

  • Trimming bushes and shrubs (all schools)
  • Mulching (all schools)
  • Painting
  • Cleaning locker rooms
  • Planting flowers (various schools.)



paint-staircasePeople who cannot volunteer their time can make a donation of materials.  Assistant Superintendent Vance stated, “That would be of great help.”  Call the Unit office for a list of these items.

Unit District #6 buildings are listed below.  Pick one as a your personal beautification project.  Enjoy your efforts during the 2014-2015 school year.

  • Morrison High School, 643 Genesee Avenue
  • Morrison Junior High, 300 Academic Drive
  • Southside School, 100 Acacemic Drive
  • Northside School, 520 N. Genesee Street.

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