Ashford Art Gallery Features Hanging Sculptures

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Mark Holmes, sculptor and chair of the Department of Art and Art History at Knox College, brings his artwork to Ashford University’s Cortona Art Gallery through Thursday, November 19, 2015, in a show titled “Wall Exercises.” An artist’s reception will be held from 3:00 to 4:00 p.m. on November 19, with Holmes giving a presentation at 3:30. The Cortona Art Gallery is located on the second floor of Ashford University’s St. Clare Hall, at 400 N. Bluff Boulevard, in Clinton, IA.

“Grab Box 5 2008,” below, is one of the Holmes pieces on display.

grabbox“What I really found fascinating was that his work is architecture-based, but hangs from the wall,” said Anna Pagnucci, Ashford University Art Professor and Art Gallery Director. “I like the idea of a structure, that we normally think of as being on the ground, instead hanging on a wall, but still coming into our space in a 3-D way. It creates a new definition of painting and sculpture. These wooden structures have interesting spaces and openings that you can look into and through. And light on the work creates interesting patterns of shadow within and on the piece, as well as on the floor and wall.”

Holmes received his MFA degree in sculpture from Yale University in 1985. His work has been recently exhibited at The Beverly Art Center (Chicago, IL), Devening Projects (Chicago), Chicago Urban Art Society, Sidecar Gallery (Indiana), Illinois Wesleyan University, and Dominican University.

From 1990 to 2004, Holmes was the founder and operator of -ism Furniture in Chicago.

The gallery is named for Sister Cortona Phelan, OSF, former President of Mount St. Clare College (MSC) and former President of the Sisters of St. Francis. For many years, Sister Cortona influenced the quality of education at the college, through her teaching of American history and her love of the arts. She also served as MSC Academy Principal and as Dean of Students at the college.

The gallery is open to the public, free of charge, every weekday from 10:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. and for private showings by appointment. For further information, please call 563-242-4023.

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