As Bad as It Was, It Could Have Been Worse

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Many citizens of Morrison, IL, are coping with the aftermath of a severe wind storm of Monday, August 25, 2014.

If one could mark on a continuum all the damage that occurred within those few minutes, some might have a change in perspective regarding their situation.  One could also play the game called [“the] GOOD NEWS [is…, but the] BAD NEWS [is….”]  Even with extensive property damage and destruction of trees, our town did not suffer a disastrous tornado or loss of life.  Extensive clean up, a great insurance carrier, and patience will lessen this mess.  Look at all the tree debris dragged to the edge of yards already.

Once, a travel agent helped my husband complete airline paperwork, when our Morrison Travel Club members went to Berlin, Germany, and his luggage went to Paris, France.  He chose to wait a day to see if it would be returned to him, rather than taking the airline’s financial assistance to buy replacement items.  His bag was at the hotel before we awoke.  Imagine the conscious effort several people took through the night to make that happen.  The agent told my husband a British expression about such misfortunes, “You can dine out on that story for two week.”  It meant he would have a story to share with friends who asked about his trip.  

Each of us will be able to “dine out on” our story of this summer storm and its aftermath.  You decide how long you wish to tell it.  Following is one couple’s story.

Brandon and Stephanie Shelton, 609 Greenwood Drive, Morrison, have a BAD NEWS–GOOD NEWS story to tell about the home they have only owned since February.  BAD NEWS:  According to Brandon, he was on a plane to California when the storm struck.  GOOD NEWS:  Stephanie and the children, 11-year-old daughter Madison and 8-year old son Mckinley, were safely at home. 

BAD NEWS:  A large elm was uprooted and fell onto their above-ground swimming pool.  A large branch hit Stephanie’s LR4 Land Rover.  GOOD NEWS:  As it descended, the tree only slightly dented the roof, slid down without shingle damage, and ripped loose only a 2.5 foot portion of the gutter. 


BAD NEWS:  They had no electricity for 24 hours.  A new patio set and grill are under the limb debris.  Two smaller trees were lost on the south side of the house.  GOOD NEWS:  The Shelton’s have already cut those in smaller pieces, and a submersible pump will drain the pool.  Brandon noted swim season was about over. 

MORE GOOD NEWS:  Brandon immediately returned from his trip, and the couple set into place a clean up effort for Wednesday, August 27.  On that afternoon, Ryan’s Tree Service, Inc., 23454 Emerson Road, Sterling, IL, drove into their driveway and came to the Sheltons’ rescue.  A large portion of tree was lifted over the house and gentled onto the front driveway, to be deconstructed and removed.  The whimsical, rebar face sculpture remains upright within the limbs.

We can imagine what he is saying about this ordeal.


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