Waters Deployed to Colorado by ARC

The American Red Cross (ARC) continues supporting rescue operations in Colorado by providing food, shelter, relief supplies, and comfort to thousands of people, forced from their homes by devastating flash flooding.  Fourteen counties are affected.  The view below is outside Jamestown, CO, on September 18, 2013. On Wednesday, October 9,

Letter from Morrison Swimming

Letter to the Editor: The Morrison Seahorses Swim Club and the Junior High and High School Swim Teams would like to thank the community for the outstanding support of our swimming scoreboard and high school record board fundraiser.  We were able to raise the needed funds for these two costly

Sharar Foundation Scholarship Recipients

The Paul B. Sharar Foundation for Clinton Community College has announced the recipients of scholarships for the 2013-14 academic year.  As the first Dean of the college, Paul B. Sharar had “a vision of education as the way people learn to live more useful lives for themselves and for their

Morrison Rotary Thank You

The Harvest Hammer has become a rewarding community project for the Morrison Rotary Club, and we are proud to promote fitness and a healthy lifestyle.  The success of this fun, family-friendly, challenging event would not be possible without the unselfish community cooperation that is alive and well in Morrison, IL.

September Customer Service Award

City of Morrison Public Works employees were recognized by the Morrison Chamber of Commerce with the “Because Nice Matters” Customer Service Award. The nomination cited their hard work and dedication plowing snow or fixing water line breaks and everything in between going above and beyond as public servants. Pictured left-to-right,

Bielema + Wiersema = 50 Years of Service

How does one symbolize a quarter-century of devotion to a volunteer force?  The Morrison Fire Department honors its members who served their community for 25 years with a gold Bulova “Caravelle” watch.  The engraved timepiece reads, “MFD,” then the recipient’s name, and the 25th anniversary date.  Presentations are made at

United Way Campaign Begins in Morrison

Mary Black, representing Super Wash, Inc., will head up the Morrison Division of the United Way of Whiteside County campaign this year.  She is shown talking with Russell Siefken, Executive Director of the United Way, about plans for the campaign. Volunteers are being recruited by Black to help with the

Zinnen Interview

video coding <p>Professional photographer Craig Pessman, son of Gene and Margaret and brother to Joy Tegeler, built this artistic video of the event.&nbsp; Joy’s son, Jacob, suggested the appropriate music.&nbsp; Feel free to “ride” and sing along!&nbsp;</p><p>    <object width=”640″ height=”480″ classid=”CLSID:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11CF-96B8-444553540000″ codebase=”http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=10,0,32,18″>        <param name=”movie” value=”//www.youtube.com/v/EmBHCkCjwQw?hl=en_US&amp;version=3&amp;rel=0″ />        <param name=”allowFullScreen”

Benefit for Wrestlers of Adversity

Dan Drosopoulos, Nancy Gravert, and Kamden, Bob, and Becky White gathered at the “Wrestling Adversity:  Taking Down Lyme Disease and Cancer” benefit held Thursday, September 26, 2013.  There were numerous supporters at the pancake supper, held from 4:40 to 7:30 p.m. at Emmanuel Reformed Church,  202 E. Morris Street, Morrison,

The Whiteside Forum and Amnesty International

British lawyer Peter Benenson, the founder of Amnesty International, said: “It’s better to light a candle than curse the darkness.”  This slogan motivated Blaine Mineman to “get in the game” of political activism, rather than remaining upset with world events from the sidelines. Mineman was the featured speaker, as The

Extreme Image and annabella’s Ribbon Cutting

The Morrison Chamber of Commerce held a ribbon cutting ceremony on Thursday, September 19, 2013, in celebration of the relocation of two businesses, Extreme Image Salon and annabella’s, into the newly-renovated building at 207 W. Main Street, downtown Morrison, IL.  Numerous Chamber members were on hand to show their support

Letter from Representative Bustos

You may have heard that some politicians in Congress are threatening a Government shutdown. I’m hopeful that common sense will prevail, and we can reach an agreement to avert a shutdown.  But, regardless, I wanted to take action to ensure our Nation’s veterans would remain protected from a shutdown’s damaging

Morrison Youth Met a Real Pro

Jon Kophamer of Morrison, IL was fortunate to sit next to Adrian Peterson at a Cubs baseball game.  As they chatted, Kophamer invited the former Chicago Bears Running Back to visit his town.  On Sunday, September 22, 2013, Peterson did that, making a 9:30 a.m. presentation at Ebenezer Reformed Church,

Morrison Rotary: September Students of the Month

Joining the Rotarians for lunch were Trever Troutman and Hannah Blacklock, September 2013 Students of the month. Trever Troutman is the son of Kipp and Jamie Troutman.  He is President of Senior Student Council and a member of Key Club.  He is a Pre-K/K Kidzlink leader at Cross Roads Community

Coach D

Editor’s note:  This article was submitted by Nancy Gravert. All of us have mentors in our lives that have left lasting impressions on us, whether it be a family member, friend, religious member, or a teacher.  These people may be a part of our lives for a short period of