Ribbon Cutting for Morrison Computer Repair

Editor’s  note:  Jerry Lindsey submitted the photo. Business owner Christine Fulton opened Morrison Computer Repair earlier this year, inside Treasures of the Blue Iris, 100 W. Main Street, Morrison, IL.  It is conveniently located downtown, for people to drop off and pick up their electronics. Currently, she is running a

Kindness Rocks Morrison

Barb King and daughter Erika, 13, created a few painted designs, during Kindness Rocks Morrison, Saturday, September 9, 2017.  The event drew “about 25 people,” stated Kim Ewoldsen, to the Lions Club Shelter at the Morrison Sports Complex, beginning at 11:00 a.m.  Erika went to the back of the truck in

Pastor Durham to Share “A Veterans Program” September 17

Morrison Historical Society welcomes Thomas M. (Mike) Durham, Pastor, U. S. Army Chaplain (Retired), as speaker for its latest community program.  He will present  a “A Veterans Program” on Sunday, September 17, 2017, at Morrison’s Heritage Museum, 202 E. Lincolnway, Morrison, IL.  The museum is open from 1:00 to 4:00

MHS Wrestling Pancake Breakfast

On the morning after Paint the Town, Sunday, September 17, 2017, join Morrison wrestlers for pancakes al fresco at the intersection of Genesee and Main Streets.  The annual meal includes pancakes, sausage, juice, and coffee, for a donation to the wrestling program.  Bring a companion or family members. Meals will

Fulton Culinary Walk September 14

Fall is in the air, and so is the sweet aroma of pear inspired dishes, whipped up by some of the finest members of Fulton Chamber of Commerce. Fulton Chamber of Commerce invites you to enjoy the flavors of fall, at our participating downtown businesses.  On Thursday, September 14, 2017,

Emmanuel Blood Drive September 25

In Morrison, IL, Emmanuel Reformed Church will host a blood drive from 12:30 to 5:00 p.m. on Monday, September 25, 2017. The drive will be held in the Multi-Purpose Room and is open to the public. To donate, please contact Deb Eissens at 309-714-2008 or visit www.bloodcenterimpact.org and use code 1570 to

September 25 Emmanuel Blood Drive

In Morrison, IL, Emmanuel Reformed Church will host a blood drive from 12:30 to 5:00 p.m. on Monday, September 25, 2017. The drive will be held in the Multi-Purpose Room and is open to the public. To donate, please contact Deb Eissens at 309-714-2008 or visit www.bloodcenterimpact.org and use code 1570 to

Need for Relief Donations Continues

Helping the Less Fortunate/Disaster Relief. The donations were delivered to Salvation Army Church in Clinton. They will send it to Peoria and it will be shipped to Texas from there. We will continue collecting donations for the Irma victims and any of the states with fires.     Two Morrison,

New Vendors at Morrison Farmers’ Market

Two enterprising women from nearby towns displayed similar homegrown and home-baked items, for the first time at Morrison Farmers’ Market.  On Saturday, September 9, 2017, each brought seasonal muffins, tomatoes, herbs, and her son. Kim Langloss lives in Fulton, IL, and sells under the name “Kimsters Kreations.”  She has “been

Recruitment Blast for Cub Scout Pack

“Blast Into Scouting” Cub Scout Recruitment will be held in Blackhawk Area Council on Thursday, September 14, 2017, at 7:00 p.m., at every area elementary school.  All boys from kindergarten through fifth grade are invited to join Cub Scouts.  This includes Northside School, 520 N. Genesee Street, and Southside School, 100

St. Anne’s Episcopal Church Sidewalk Repair

If you have someone to talk with, sometimes a repair task is more enjoyable. Often a repair task is more interesting to watch than perform. It was even more so, because the watcher of this strenuous chore had an ebony feline to cuddle. The cat had strolled across N. Cherry

Volunteers Clean the Town

As a gesture of civic pride, 11 volunteers picked up debris left by others along Main Street.  They gathered at the Chamber of Commerce office, 221 W. Main Street, Morrison, IL, at 9:00 a.m., on Saturday, September 9, 2017.   The Chamber solicited help in preparation for the Harvest Hammer

Square-Foot Gardening: Minimal Space, Maximum Results

“Square foot gardening” has become popular, if space is limited for growing vegetables.  Building raised garden beds makes it so much easier to tend to the vegetables.  That is just what Charidy and B. D. Drawz did, along with a little help from their daughter Hero, in their yard at

Save October 28 for Morrison Halloween Parade and Costume Contest

Save the date of Saturday, October 28, 2017, from 1:30 to 3:00 p.m. Morrison Chamber of Commerce and Cottonwood 4-H Club will host the annual Halloween Parade and Costume Contest. The parade begins at Community State Bank, 220 E. Main Street, Morrison, IL, and processes west to the Post Office,