MCH Auxiliary Pre-Easter Vendor Fair

What better way to find Easter, birthday, anniversary, and other gifts, than to experience one-stop shopping at the Morrison Community Hospital Auxiliary First Annual Pre-Easter Vendor Fair.  Check out all these vendors that will be selling products in our hospital lobby, 303 N. Jackson Street, Morrison, IL. They will be

Letter from WHOA

Dear Editor: White Oaks Therapeutic Equestrian Center (WHOA) would like to thank the community; dessert donors; Dixie Vegter, Carol Folkerts, Linda Carney, and Judy Ouderkerk at Cross Creek; Deanne Young and the Young Family for their participation, hospitality, and hosting of WHOA’s Trivia Night fundraiser. It was held at Cross

Cookies, Roses, Ebenezer Vocalists Brighten Resthave

Resthave Home, 408 Maple Avenue, Morrison, IL, celebrated Valentine’s Day with cookie-grams.  Staff made and decorated sugar cookies.  Families could purchase roses to be delivered to their loved one as well.  Along with the rose and/or cookie came a singing message to the resident.  A group from Ebenezer Reformed Church,

Post Office Rewards Artist

Morrison Post Office, 226 W. Main Street, Morrison, IL, held a Valentine’s Day coloring contest this month.  Postmaster Bill Borum is shown with the winner, Liam Blacklock, age 8 of Morrison.  The artist received a Visa $25 gift card for his efforts.

The Whiteside Forum Annual Conference April 15

Save the date to attend The Whiteside Forum Annual Conference on Friday, April 15, 2016.  The panel discussion will be held in the City of Morrison Community Room of the Odell Public Library, 307 S. Madison Street, Morrison, IL.  Registration starts at 7:00 p.m. with introduction of the speakers at

All You Need is Love and a Healthy Heart

Love yourself this month.  February is Heart Month.  Do what you can to improve your heart health.  Join us for free programs and tour of the CGH Cath Lab, on Sunday, February 21, 2017, at 1:00 p.m.  Two programs will be held in CGH Ryberg Auditorium, 100 E. LeFevre Road,

Girl Scout Cookies Arrive

Morrison, IL, Girl Scout leader Hillary Blevins is the Cookie Chair for the Brownie troop.  Her ten second-and-third graders recently sold 1636 boxes of Girl Scout cookies.  Most were delivered on Thursday, February 18, 2016.  Eighty-five boxes were donated and shipped directly to members of the military.  The photo shows

Webelos Cross Over to Boy Scouts, February 18

Rites of passage are marked by the tradition of ceremony, gathered family and invested personnel, and–usually–good food.  Such was the case Thursday, February 18, 2016, when six youngsters from the Webelos II den crossed over to Boy Scout Troop 96.  Across the Nation, February is the annual cross-over month. Webelos

Resthave Valentine Royalty

Resthave Home, 408 Maple Avenue, Morrison IL, celebrated Valentine’s Day on Friday, February 12, 2016.  There was wonderful musical entertainment provided by “The Ukulele Connection,” and cupcakes were served.   Congratulations to Spencer Knox, who was named Resthave’s King, and Thelma Smith, who was named Queen.

“Life among the Poor Clare Colettine Nuns” March 15

On Tuesday, March 15, 2016, at 6:30 p.m., “Monastic Silence and a Visual Dialogue:  Life among the Poor Clare Colettine Nuns” will be presented free of charge at Odell Public Library, 307 W. Madison Street, Morrison, IL.  A question-and-answer session will follow. As members of an exceptionally strict religious community,

Blood Drive February 23

St. Peter Lutheran Church, 601 N. Jackson Street, Morrison, IL, will host a blood drive from 3:00 to 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday, February 23, 2016, in the basement Fellowship Hall.  This drive is open to the public.  Walk-in donors are welcome. To donate, please contact Debbie Heusinkveld at 815-772-4306 or

B-rrry Scurry Race Results from February 6

Clinton Community College, 1000 Lincoln Boulevard, Clinton, IA, hosted the 35th Anniversary B-rrry Scurry 4 Mile Run/Walk, on Saturday, February 6, 2016.  Four men and 14 women from Morrison, IL, traveled the out-and-back, flat-and-fast course. Men entrants were Dale Belt, Andy Lewis, Andrew Schaver, and Ryan Zinke. Women racers were

February Events by Home of Hope

Join Home of Hope Cancer Wellness Center for a Lunch & Learn on Tuesday, February 16, 2016, at noon, with presenter Sue Hageman, Cancer Resource Nurse, KSB Hospital.  Hageman will discuss how to recognize and manage stress.  This presentation will take place at Town Square Centre Clinic, 102 S. Hennepin

Kim Ewoldsen on the Radio

Find out about current Morrison Chamber of Commerce events, as well as other events going on around Morrison, IL.  Kim Ewoldsen continues her publicity messages on local radio stations this month.  She will be interviewed and offer listeners a question-and-answer session.  Ewoldsen is both Morrison Chamber of Commerce and Morrison

Swearingen Honored for 34 Years’ Service

During the Monday, February 8, 2016, Morrison, IL, City Council meeting, Mayor Everett Pannier honored a 34 year member of the Public Works Department.  Pete Swearingen received a plaque to acknowledge his retirement at the end of January.  For over three decades he worked mainly in the Water Department, answering