Army National Guard Holds 25-Year Desert Storm Reunion

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DesertStormVetsDesert Storm Veterans of the 1644th Transportation Co. Army National Guard Unit, based out of Rock Falls, IL, will hold a 25-Year Desert Storm reunion, Saturday, June 25, and Sunday, June 26, 2016, in Rock Falls.

Saturday, June 25, will begin with an adult gathering at the Rock Falls American Legion, 712 4th Avenue.  Drinks will be served beginning at 6:00 p.m.  The ceremony begins at 8:00. 

Sunday, June 26, includes a family picnic at Centennial Park’s Heide Pavilion, Rock Falls, beginning at 11:00 a.m.

Eight Morrison, IL, residents were part of the 1644th that deployed to Saudi Arabia, Iraq, and Kuwait.  They are

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All except ?? will attend the Reunion.


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