The first community American Red Cross Blood Drive of 2024 will be held Thursday, January 11, at St. Mary’s Catholic Church, 13320 Garden Plain Road, Morrison, IL. The drive will run from noon to 6:00 p.m. Currently, there are 13 double red cell/PowerRed appointments available, and there are 12 whole blood appointments available.
Call the Blood Program Leader Kaywyn Beswick, at 815-718-5117. Make an appointment yourself online at www.give
Use RapidPass the morning of January 11, to answer questions before you donate. Be sure to bring a photo ID or your American Red Cross blood card. Drink several ounces of EXTRA water the morning of the drive.
As an incentive, donate blood through January 31, 2024, and you will be entered automatically for a chance to win an exciting trip, for you and a guest, to Super Bowl LVIII in Las Vegas, NV. It includes travel, hotel, a $1000 gift card, pre-game activities, and more! Terms apply. Visit