
April House Children’s Advocacy Center Changes

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Carrie Melton, April House Executive Director, submitted this article.

AHLogoApril House Children’s Advocacy Center of Whiteside County, as a result of increased funding, has gone through a few changes, including the addition of staff.  Previously, there was one employee; now there are three:  Executive Director, Forensic Interviewer, and an Advocate.

To understand what April House/a Children’s Advocacy Center (CAC) is, you must understand what children face without one.  Without April House, abused or neglected children may end up having to tell the worst story of their life over and over again, to doctors, cops, lawyers, therapists, investigators, judges, and others.  They may have to talk about traumatic experiences in a Police Station where they think they might be in trouble.  They may be asked the wrong questions, by a well-meaning adult, that could hurt the case against the abuser.  When Police or Child Protective Services believe a child is being abused, the child is brought to April House–a safe, child-focused environment–by a caregiver or other “safe” adult.

At April House, the child tells their story once to a trained interviewer, who knows the right questions to ask, in a way that does not retraumatize the child.  Together, professionals make decisions about how to help the child.  The team includes law enforcement, mental health, prosecution, child protective services, victim advocacy, and others.

April House offers referrals to therapy and medical exams, and assists with courtroom preparation, victim advocacy, case management, and other services.  This is called the multidisciplinary team (MDT) response and is a core part of the work of April House and Child Advocacy Centers around the Country.


April House is funded by Federal, State, and local dollars, along with private donations and foundations. We hope that you consider April House as one of those charities worthy of your financial gift.  Because of you, last year more than 135 children and 140 adults came to April House for forensic interviews, support, comfort, resources, and advocacy.

Our services are the catalyst for many children who have been sexually abused/assaulted, physically abused, neglected, or exploited to begin the healing process and bring closure to traumatic abuse.

With your gift, you dramatically impact survivors’ lives and help create a comfortable and warm environment for children and their families of Whiteside County.  If you would like to make a tax-deductible donation to April House, we accept check, cash, and credit cards.  The mailing address is April House, 501 N. Madison Street, Morrison, IL 61270. Use the PayPal link paypal.me/aprilhousecac.

April House is a proud United Way Agency.

For questions contact Carrie Melton at 815-772-5286 or carrie@aprilhouse.org.

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