April 14 City Council Report

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On Monday, April 14, 2014, the City of Morrison Council convened in the Whiteside County Board Room, 400 N. Cherry Street, Morrison, IL.  The following attended:  Mayor Everett Pannier, City Clerk Melanie Schroeder, City Administrator Barry Dykhuizen, Treasurer Evan Haag, Sports Complex Director Jim DuBois, Accounting Director Shelli Davis, City Attorney Tim Zollinger, and Aldermen Curt Bender, Michael Blean, Scott Connelly, David Helms, Leo Sullivan, Marti Wood, and Harvey Zuidema.

The Mayor called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.  The roll was called, and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

During Public Comment, Stephanie Vavra, Morrison, addressed the need to promote the Morrison-Rockwood Recreation Trail to bicyclists and provide parking for large bike clubs in town.  She urged the Council to consider appropriate signage, so out-of-town riders can find the trail and promotion of it on the City website.  CA Dykhuizen recently discussed similar topics and clean-up with Friends of the Parks; they walked the trail Tuesday, April 8.  The Grand Opening is in June.  He added the contractor will return this week to grade and seed the area.  On behalf of the City,  Mayor Pannier congratulated resident Gladys Ludens [not present] on her 107th birthday, Friday, April 11.  He noted she remarked, “I went from oxen to a Cadillac.” 

There were no comments under Board and Commission Reports, regarding the Morrison Historic Preservation Commission report.

Reports of City Officers  CA Dykhuizen acknowledged the Public Works Department for organizing recent sandbagging, and he noted the efforts of volunteers and Southside School fifth graders.

Reports of Department Heads  DuBois reported on a nine-team tournament with teams from IL, IA, and WI.  Over $2000 was donated to Breast Cancer Awareness during the Ashford University Girls Softball fundraiser.  “In short order,” he stated, there will be three or four donated pavillions at the Complex “yet this summer.”  Police Chief Brian Melton stated he sent over 40 property owners reminders regarding Ordinance violations.  He received a “lot of positive responses” about the clean-up requests and noted people “are trying to be compliant.”  He is working with the Junior High and Southside School on traffic flow in the parking lot.  Minor changes will be made on Monday, May 5, to improve flow. 

The Consent Agenda was approved, with a correction in attendance by Schroeder, in the April 1, 2014, Special Session Council Meeting Minutes.  She changed them to indicate Alderman Bender was absent, and Treasurer Haag was present.

  • March 18, 2014, Special Session Council Meeting Minutes
  • March 24, 2014, Regular Session Council Meeting Minutes
  • April 1, 2014, Special Session Council Meeting Minutes
  • Bills Payable of $242,105.21

Items for Consideration and Possible Action were approved.

  • Mike Mudge from Rock River Energy Services, Co. summarized the City’s current Electrical Aggregation participation, saying, through September 2014, results “more than met our expectations.”  Originally 1602 accounts enrolled with First Energy Solutions as their electrical supplier, and 1312 remain active (82% retention in the program.)  Of those 1312, 1249 are residential users, and 63 are commercial.  Average residential usage is 760 kWh per month at $0.0477 per kWh.  In the first nine months of the program Morrison saved $318,500 (42%); in the last ten months savings were $126,600 (21%), for a total program savings of $445,100.   Aldermen reviewed bids from three suppliers and approved a switch to Homefield Energy for three years.  “We’ve never seen prices this low,” concluded Mudge.
  • CA Dykhuizen discused aspects of the Tentative Fiscal Year 2015 Budget.  The planned expenses total $1,626,7000.  General Fund water rate increases “are stable and serving the City well.  The size of the budget is due to the waste water treatment plant and capital improvements.  State money for the Morrison-Rockwood Trail should arrive in 30 days.”  The Mayor thanked him for his first year, clarifying the budget, and gathering input from staff and departments. 
  • Chief Melton described Resolution #14-04, a Law Enforcement Mutual Aid Agreement costing $200, saying, “It’s a critical resource for us, similar to MABIS” for the Fire Department.  “We call a 1-800 number if we need help, and we respond” to the need of other law enforcement agencies.  It could include tornado damage or management, for example.  He said Morrison has been a member all the years of his service, since 2009.

Other Items for Consideration, Discussion, and Information

  • A Public Hearing on the Fiscal 2015 Budget will take place before the Council Meeting on Monday, April 28, 2014, at 6:45 p.m.
  • CA Dykhuizen discused easements with his team regarding the west end of Tech Drive.  Morrison Institute of Technology may put a building and parking area there.
  • By the end of the month, Mayor Pannier will give Councilmen information regarding the six-month evaluation of the City Administrator.
  • The Mayor received requests to review the liquor license Ordinance, which has exceptions for bars to hold special events.  Also, a question was asked as to whether someone who lives out of town and owns a Morrison business can hold the liquor license.  The State of Illinois will supply $18,000 to repair potholes, and it may have matching grants available for trails.  Morrison Sports Complex needs a trail to it.
  • Alderman Zuidema thanked the Council for the plant in recognition of his mother’s passing.

Executive Session was called to discuss the following items; no action was taken when the regular session resumed.

  • 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(2) Collective negotiating matters between the public body and its employees or their representatives, or deliberations concerning salary schedules for one or more classes of employees
  • ILCS 120/2(c)(6) The setting of a price for sale or lease of property owned by the public body

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