An Introduction to the Federal Historic Preservation Tax Incentives Program

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Webinar Introductory Level – Thursday, October 30, 2014, 2:00 to 3:30 p.m. (eastern)
·         Register now.

The Federal Historic Tax Credit has become an important incentive for the preservation and rehabilitation of commercial and rental residential historic buildings. It is one of the Federal Government’s most successful and cost-effective community revitalization programs. The results of the program are evident throughout the country, where vacant and underused buildings have been returned to productive use.
In this 90 minute webinar we will review the basics of the Federal Historic Tax Credit including:
·         What is the tax credit?
·         What buildings qualify for the credit?
·         What expenditures qualify for the credit?
·         What is a certified rehabilitation?
·         What is the application process?

Angela Shearer, Architectural Historian, National Park Service
Nicholas Vann, RA, Historical Architect, Washington State Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation

Who Should Attend?
First-time or infrequent users of the program including property owners, real estate professionals, architects, and developers; preservation staff of Certified Local Governments; Historic District Commissioners; and anyone interested in basic information about the program.

Attendees must register for this event. Audience size is limited. Please be courteous and register only if you are certain you will be able to attend. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

Frequently Asked Questions
Will this session be offered again? This exact presentation will not be offered again in the immediate future. However, a similar introduction to the historic rehabilitation tax credit program will be offered in January 2015.
Will a recording of this session be made available? No, this session will not be recorded.

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