
American Legion’s Patriotic Gift is Raised

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Editor’s note:  The first photograph was submitted by Jerry Brearton; Joe Bielema supplied the second.

InstallFlagMorrison Fire Department checked off an item on their “to-do” list, close to 10:30 on Saturday, morning, October 20, 2017, atop the station roof, 206 W. Main Street, Morrison, IL. 

“The men all discussed it.  We really need one,” commented First Assistant Chief Joe Bielema, when American Legion Financial Officer Jerry Brearton chided him about the lack of a flag. 

Brearton had also prodded Chief Dave Benters on a few occasions.  Brearton stated, “I drive through lots of towns, and I notice the Fire Stations all have American flags flying, but Morrison doesn’t.”  To be fair, Brearton added, it is difficult, because the station does not have a yard [to set a flagpole.]  He suggested placing it on the roof.

To spur firefighters to action, the American Legion donated a 3′ x 5′ flag to the department.

Bielema, at left, and MFD Treasurer Jeff Eissens completed the installation and raised the banner.

Flags are available for purchase at $20 by calling Legion Post Commander Dale Usterbowski at 815-772-0153.

Beilema is shown with a quartet of retired firefighters who “were there to help.”  Left-to-right are Bill Conboy, Ron Zuidema, Bielema, Don “Pood” King, and Ron Hanson.  Alan Walters departed before the photograph was taken.

Phil Benson, owner of Morrison Machine Shop, fabricated and donated the flag pole adapter bracket.




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