Agenda: September 5 MBAG Meeting

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Morrison Business Advisory Group will meet at 8:00 a.m. on Thursday, September 5, 2013, at the Masonic Dunlap Lodge #321, 227 E. Main Street, Morrison, IL.

Minutes of June 6, 2013 will be approved.

Public Comment

Under Old Business topics of discussion include:

  • Market Street parking lot
  • Downtown Master Plan Committee report:  Vavra Stocker, Smith, Tresenriter
  • Survey business community report:  VanderVinne and Hayenga
  • Mayor’s report on finance and budget worksohps;Industrial Park; Waste Water Treatment Plant.  Do we wish to do anything on these?

Under New Business topics will include:

  • Downtown business owner requests ComEd clean up fenced areas on Market Street
  • Future member suggestions
  • Next meeting date and time, October 3, at 8:00 a.m.


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