City Administrator Barry Dykhuizen addressed this reminder to City of Morrison Utility Bill “Auto-Pay” users (a.k.a Direct Debit). ” Because of an error causing January’s bill not to be deducted automatically on its normal day, the amount due in January is being deducted along with February’s bill on [Wednesday,] February 15, 2017. Users who prefer to pay January’s bill ahead of time, and not wait to have both withdrawn in February, may do so by paying manually at City Hall[, 200 W. Main Street, Morrison, IL], Monday through Friday, from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Please call the City office at 815-772-7657 if you have any questions about the amount of your bill, or any other questions regarding the pending transaction.”
Adjustment to February Auto-Pay Utility Bill
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