
A Zoom Fireside Chat with Alex Kotlowitz

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Anne Frame wrote the article; Kathy Richland photographed the author.

Odell Public Library will join over 70 libraries again, to bring the noted author, journalist, and filmmaker Alex Kotlowitz to us through Zoom.  Join us for this informative evening on Thursday, May 6, 2021, at 7:00 p.m.

Alex Kotlowitz’s most notable books are An American Summer:  Love and Death in Chicago and the award-winning bestseller, There Are No Children Here.  He won an Emmy for the 2011 documentary “The Interrupters.”

The fireside chat will be moderated by Pulitzer Prize winning columnist, Mary Schmich, of Chicago Tribune.  Alex and Mary will have a 45-minute discussion on wide-ranging topics from his books.  The last 15 minutes will be devoted to questions.

Through funds from the Odell Public Library Friends, this virtual “fireside chat” is free.  Odell has purchased places for 25 people.

Just register at Odell Public Library using the following link:  On the evening before the event, Odell will send the program via a Zoom link to all those registered.

Mark your calendar for this insightful and thought-provoking evening.



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