Photos by Jerry Lindsey.
Morrison High School students, administration, and faculty gathered in the gymnasium on Monday afternoon, March 7, 2016, in tribute to Payton J. Cook. The 17-year-old student died in a car accident the day before, Sunday, March 6. Students who knew him quickly organized a means to show their sympathy and visibly honor the young man:
- because Payton’s favorite color was blue, most people wore blue shirts.
- because Payton planned to attend the University of Iowa after graduation in 2017, people wore Hawkeye black and gold ribbons.
- because Payton’s Varsity football uniform displayed #11, supporters transformed themselves into his numeral.
Eighth graders at Morrison Junior High School signed the Mustang-red heart and sent it to the High School. It reads, “Fly High Payton 11.” The number is bordered with angel wings.
Click here to read Payton Cook’s obituary notice.