November ARC Blood Drive Report

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Kaywyn J. Beswick, R.N./Morrison ARC Blood Drive Coordinator submitted this report.

ARC hero logoThe last American Red Cross Blood Drive of this year was held on Thursday, November 19, 2015, at Morrison United Methodist Church, 200 W. Lincolnway, Morrison, IL. Thank you right up front, UMC, for always graciously giving us the use of your facility every eight weeks without cost.

We had a first-time sponsor for the drive canteen, the Council of Catholic Women and Knights of Columbus men from St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Morrison. They did a terrific job, serving sandwiches, drinks, cookies, and snacks. The CCW and KC’s that helped prepare food, serve food, register donors, escort donors to the canteen table, and make appointments for the next drive were Lana Nugent, Connie Helms, Ruth Slonneger, Barb Paschal, Jim and Betsy Prombo, Vern and Mary Latwesen, Carol Hollister, Birdie Bartnicke, Sandy Schroeder, Jackie Jevne, and Joanne Snodgrass. Several of them were present for most of the day. Wonderful job, Parishioners! I am so proud of my church family.

Other dependable volunteers that manned the stations were Marian Dykema (who pulled a double shift for us), Marcia Haag, and Marilyn Habben. And, as always, appreciation goes out to the ever-dependable Kiwanis for coming it to unload the truck in the morning and returning in the evening to reload it. Thank you, Nick Becker, Ron Finnicum, Lawrence “Ike” Isaacsen, Deb Stiefel, Bart and Kris Bielema, and Len and Levita Ashland.  I am always so grateful for the generous town of Morrison and our faithful volunteers.

Donors are the heart of our drive, and we have some of the best in the State. Fifty-two fantastic people gave their time and blood products as they came through our doors that day.  The whole-blood donors were Kim Mulnix, Renee Vanderlaan, Brad Bielema, Mary Latwesen, Nancy Usterbowski, Connie Helms, Kent Stralow, Randy Kuehl, Katie Selburg, Lisa Nice, Marian Dykema, Chris Hawkins, Steve Geerts, Jim Barr, Kristine Honeycutt, Lorna Temple, Evan Haag, Jim Fisher, Millie Schaver, Mark Schuler, Connie Tegeler, Serina Lawfler, Linda Temple, Jerry Norman, Tim West, Susan Noble, Mark Kooi, Stephanie Vavra, Adrienna Rombouts, Julie Damhoff, Carolyn Aiken, Kaywyn Beswick, Callie Bush, Nancy Shank, Joe R. Bielema, David Temple, Connie Swanson-DeSpain, and Arnie Damhoff.

Double-red-cell donors were Tom Demay, Keith Wiersema, Harvey “Bud” Tegeler, Dick Wieneke, Don E. Smith, Ron Shank, and one woman and four gentlemen who did not want their names printed in the Sentinel or on as blood donors. (I know who you are, and I’m so thankful you take time from your day, to join us in helping us save lives.) Thanks to these “twice-as-nice” folks.

One woman was a first-time blood donor, and that was Vicki Carroll. We are grateful you have joined the ranks, Vicki, and I hope you become a regular blood donor. Two donors were awarded pins; they were Lynn Reimer, receiving an 8-gallon pin, and Don E. Smith was given a 15-gallon pin. Don usually gives double-reds, helping two people, and Lynn usually gives whole blood, helping three people. So between these two, 432 people have been given the gift of life. Who says we have every day heroes in Morrison, Illinois? I do! 

Our next blood drive will be Thursday, January 21, 2016, at Morrison United Methodist Church from noon to 6:00 p.m. Helping saves lives is as easy as pie. It takes less than an hour, and we have good food, great music, and fun, fellowship, and conversation.

Make it your 2016 New Year’s Resolution to become a regular blood donor. About 38% of the Country’s population are eligible to donate blood, but only about 7% actually donate. Sad statistic. Can you change it? Your challenge for 2016:  I dare you to become a life-saver.

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