Cyber Monday Shopping with U. S. Marshals

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cyberMondayOnline auctions are being encouraged by the U. S. Marshals Service as a feature of holiday shopping.  On Friday, November 28, 2015, Marshals urged shoppers to look for bargains on its website, specifically property seized in two, major, criminal investigations.

  • There are 390 lots, including 150 belt buckles, from Rita Crundwell, who stole more than $53,000,000 from the City of Dixon, IL.  Earlier sales of Crundwell’s belongings have returned millions of dollars to Dixon.  This auction closes Tuesday, December 1.
  • There are 2800 bottles of wine, seized from prominent wine dealer Rudy Kurniwan in a fraud case.  Kurniwan produced and sold counterfeit wine.  The auction starts Tuesday, December 1.

Chief Inspector Jason Wojdylo, of the Marshals Service Asset Forfeiture Division, remarked, “Make no mistake, these online auctions are designed to generate proceeds from ill-gotten gains, to give back to victims.”

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