Letter from Morrison Music Theatre Association

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Letter to MMTA Members and Supporters:

Morrison Music Theatre Association (MMTA) is excited for the future of MMTA.  We want to get back to MMTA’s roots.  Great ideas are in the works, as shown below, and we encourage your participation.  Our next meeting is Tuesday, November 10, 2015, at 7:00 p.m. at Bethesda Lutheran Church, 301 W. South Street, Morrison.  Please let one of the newly-elected chairs know if you will attend.

They are Eric Phend, President; Kim Meyers, Vice President; Robert Stone, Treasurer; Katie Sedig, Secretary; Carolyn Aiken, Historian.

Christmas Carolers are Wanted
We are looking for singers interested in caroling during Morrison’s Christmas Walk, Saturday, December 5.  There is no limit on the number of singers.  If you are interested in participating, please let us know.

MMTA Facebook Page
We now have a group Facebook page.  As plans for new productions and activities are developed, this will serve as a means of communication.  Please request to join Morrison Music Theatre Association to keep up-to-date.  This a page for members only.  There will be an MMTA fan page, at a later date, for non-members to see our upcoming events and news.

Photo Search
Anyone with access to past and recent productions is invited to email copies to morrisonmta@gmail.com.  We will compile a collection for various uses including Whiteside News Sentinal and thecity1.com articles, MMTA fan Facebook page posts, fliers, etc.

Come relive the fun, or discover the joy, of performing arts with Morrison Music Theatre Association.

Katie Sedig, MMTA Secretary

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