Help Support Morrison Music Department

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WreathThe Morrison Music Booster’s Annual Wreath Sale fundraiser has begun.  Please support our Junior and Senior High band and chorus students, by purchasing a lovely, fresh evergreen wreath, garland, or grave blanket. 

Seasonal greens are being sold by our music students for MMB.  They are provided by Wilson Greenhouses & Florist, 103 N. Heaton Street, Morrison, IL.


 Prices are

  • 24″ wreath $16
  • 30″ wreath $25
  • 25′ garland $30
  • grave blanket $35.

All orders and money need to be collected by Friday, November 13, 2015. 

Pick up your greenery at Wilson Greenhouses & Florist from 1:00 to 4:00 p.m., either Monday, November 23, or Tuesday, November 24, 2015.

For information, contact your favorite band or chorus student, MMB member, or Melissa Zinke at 815-441-9656.

Thank you for supporting our Music Department and our students!

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