Kiosk Rises on the Morrison-Rockwood Recreational Trail

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After a cold, rainy Halloween, Saturday, November 1, 2015, dawned mild and clear, making for a most enjoyable Friends of the Parks (FOP) installation.  Several organization members, supporters, and wood craftsman Duiane Dahler, Morrison, IL, met at 9:00 a.m., at the intersection of Crosby and Damen Roads, Morrison.  At this spot–the end of the Morrison-Rockwood Recreational Trail and entrance to Morrison-Rockwood State Park–an imposing kiosk was erected.

It was made by Dahler “over a course of [time], since the Fair in August.  I finished it a couple weeks ago.”  The structure “is mainly all rough-sawn cedar, with 12′ [side] rails.  Thirty inches [of the rails] will be in the ground.”  He retired after 28 years as a trucker and turned to wood crafts.  His pumpkins and bears were popular items during the Whiteside County Fair; wishing wells are his signature item.  Incidentally, there are four wood pumpkins left for sale.  Dahler noted a glittery angel in a tree, on the south side of W. IL Route 30 near Garden Plain Road, is one of his creations, as is a 6′ tall Cubs bear owned by Roger Schipper.   

FOP member Barb Benson, Morrison, said the design was a collaboration.  Members “found some they liked, and Duine sketched it.”  Dahler added, “Friends of the Parks added Plexiglas® and benches.  There is corkboard inside the Plexiglas®” message center.  Twin benches offer expansive views to the south and north.

Chuck Finley gave a thumb’s up to Brian Wambeke (out of view) to raise the kiosk, prior to settling it into two post holes.  Left-to-right are Barb Benson, Sally Finley, Bill McNeal, Glenn Ackeberg, Finley, Jerry Lindsey (background), Stan Mitick, and Bob Brandon.





When the towering kiosk stood upright in the ground, Dahler exclaimed, “That looks huge now!”  The routed inscription spacing “took me hours to figure out.”  It reads, “Morrison Rockwood Recreational Trail, in memory of Don and Dorothy Koehn Jiracek.”  Both are deceased.  Don’s recent death prevented him from seeing the memorial structure installed.

“The roof is done and is made with cedar shingles,” said Dahler.  “It will be installed when the concrete settles.”

Pictured left-to-right are Sally and Chuck Finley; Phil Benson; Brian Wambeke; Bob Brandon; Glenn Ackeberg; Duine Dahler; Stan Mitick; Kristi Wambeke; Bill McNealBarb Benson.


A third bench, funded by Morrison Area Community Foundation, was installed Friday, October 30.  They and the kiosk are significant additions to the Morrison-Rockwood Recreational Trail.  Stop soon to read announcements, rest on your trail trek, or sit and view the countryside.

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