Letter from Superintendent Vance re: Assembly

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Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s):

On Thursday, October 29, 2015, Phil Chalmers, an expert on school violence and bullying, will be speaking with our Junior High and High School students.  Phil’s message will be a very honest description of school violence and bullying and may be disconcerting for some students.  Per Phil’s request, I have included an excusal sheet for our students whose parents/guardians wish that they not attend.  There are no consequences for not attending.  Students who are not in attendance do will be allowed to work on homework, read a book, or other activities approved by the supervisor.  If you would like to find out more about Phil Chalmers and his message, please visit http://philchalmers.com/index.php and look for information on his “Trues Lies” program about bullying and school violence.

Also, on that evening there will be a presentation at [Morrison High School, 643 Genesee Avenue, Morrison, IL, at] 6:00 p.m. for all [adult] community members and parents to hear Phil’s message.  We encourage everyone to attend.  Those in attendance will be eligible for prizes.

Thank you,
Superintendent Scott Vance


Please fill out the following information and return it to school on or before Thursday, October 29, 2015, if you do not want your child to attend.

___________________________            __________________________
Student Name/Grade                             Parent Name

___________________________            __________________________
Student Signature                                 Parent Signature

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