Letter from Kathy Janicek

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Dear Editor:

I am writing this letter after attending the [Monday,] July 27[, 2015,[ Morrison Unit #6 Board of Education meeting.  At this meeting Unit #6 Art Instructor Nick Bonneur gave an excellent presentation regarding the seven period daily schedule, which has been adopted for use at Morrison High School for the 2015-2016 school year.  This was a very detailed presentation….The main points were that there actually would be less time for direct instruction and interaction between students and teachers…there will be a drastic reduction in the students’ opportunities to take elective classes. 

One of the major casualties of this schedule will be the Fine Arts, because college-bound students will be unable to fit Fine Arts classes–or other electives–into their schedules and still take the required classes.  This is especially ironic, because colleges and universities are seeking students who have a broad background and who have done more than just excel in the required courses.

Less than a week before the board meeting members of CAPA and Morrison Music Boosters were informed of the presentation.  These groups “spread the word” about the meeting, and more than 50 concerned citizens attended to show their support for the Fine Arts.  Included were members of CAPA and Morrison Music Boosters, current and former students, parents of current and former students, and retired Morrison music and art teachers who built the programs.  These people all care deeply about Morrison, the schools, and especially the students who deserve to receive the best education possible.

Morrison Unit #6 has had outstanding Fine Arts programs for many years.  My husband and I grew up in the Chicago[, IL,] suburbs….I can tell you that the high quality of our Fine Arts curriculum is truly exceptional for a small rural district.  It is why we decided to live here.  Mr. Bonneur presented several avenues of action that could be taken to deal with this situation. 

I hope that the Board of Education and the Administration will have the courage and foresight to re-visit the seven period day and do what is best for our students and our community

I would urge anyone who is reading this letter and would like to support the Fine Arts in the Morrison Schools and, specifically, at Morrison High School, to contact the Administration and the Board of Education to make your feelings known.  Thank you.

Kathy Janicek

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