Two for the Price of One Blood Drive Reports

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Kaywyn J. Beswick, R.N./Morrison American Red Cross Blood Drive Coordinator, submitted these reports.  

What would we do without computers? So many things in everyday life depend on them working correctly, from grocery store transactions, to doctor visit records, to banking activities. My apologies to the March blood drive participants for not getting a report published. My 2010 computer was on its last battery leg with a charging port problem. I have since purchased a new one, because it was cheaper than fixing the old one. The March blood drive report was the old one’s last project, and the typed form got stuck in computer “Neverland.” I didn’t realize it until early May when I was looking through my data recovery folder. I incidentally “found” my old i-Tunes archives that I thought were long gone with a computer issue from 2013. And, low and behold, there was March’s report sitting in the “draft” box of my e-mail. So, here are two reports for the price of one read. Again, my apologies for the delayed printing of the report.

Thursday, March 19, 2015, was the second American Red Cross blood drive held in Morrison, IL. It was held at the United Methodist Church from noon until 6:00 p.m. The sponsor was Michael Blean at ARC Appraisals. Thank you, Michael, for providing the monies for the lunch. Some wonderful Methodist women ran the kitchen that day, preparing the sandwiches, cookies, and drinks. They were Jean Tichler, Audrey Temple, Beth Poling, and Pat Marinangeli. I am so very appreciative of the kitchen helpers, since I cannot be two places at once. Their expertise on the food preparation is far better than mine. Thank you to the ever-faithful Kiwanis who unload the truck before the drive and return later in the day to reload. They were Nick Becker and Lawrence “Ike” Isaacsen. Thank you to my dependable volunteers who rarely tell me “No.” Those who manned the stations throughout the room were Marcia Haag, Marian Dykema, Karen Zuidema, Maisie Renkes, Deb Wikoff, Lana Nugent, Sandy Schroeder, Ron Wiersema, Marilyn Akker, and Marilyn Habben.

Forty fantastic friends graced our doors that day to help save some lives. The DRC (double-red-cell) donors that came in that day were Thomas Demay, Alex Magana, Dwaine Schroeder, Duane Imel, and one gentleman who did not want his name printed. We are very appreciative of the “twice-as-nice” DRC donors, helping us reach our goal much quickly. Several people were awarded pins that day. Kristine Honeycutt, received a 1-gallon pin; Alex Magana received a 3-gallon pin; Stephanie Vavra and Dick Wieneke both received 5-gallon pins; Lorna Temple received an 8-gallon pin. These five people have given a total of 176 units together through the ARC and helped up to 528 lives! Finishing out the list of terrific donors were Kent Stralow, Lynn Reimer, Randy Kuehl, Bill Kuehl, Lisa Nice, Brad Bielema, Mark Kooi, Joe, R. Bielema, Jim Fisher, Evan Haag, Renee Vanderlaan, Chris Hawkins, Marian Dykema, Kaywyn Beswick, Linda Temple, Margaret Barr, Mark Schuler, Tim West, Mary Latwesen, Arnie Damhoff, Carolyn Aiken, Brooke Newman, Nancy Shank, Callie Bush, Connie Swanson-DeSpain, and five men and women who did not want their names published. (I know who they are, and I am very grateful for their time and efforts.)

Fourteen persons did not come in as scheduled, but I understand things come up or people get ill. We had 11 great walk-ins that always help our numbers. Thanks to all who came in and gave of their time and/or blood!

double-redsThe third Morrison ARC blood drive was held on Thursday, May 21, from noon until 6:00 p.m. at Morrison United Methodist Church. The sponsor for the drive was Bethesda Lutheran Church. Kitchen workers that prepared and served the sandwiches, cookies, snacks, and drinks were Nancy Pannier, Andrea Dalton, Sharon Boyles, Nancy Usterbowski, Connie Mosher, Connie Bender, Jan Horberg, Carol Schroeder, Monica Anderson, Carol Oncken, and Mona Milder. Those who manned stations were Marian Dykema, Marcia Haag, Maisie Renkes, Sandy Schroeder, and Marilyn Akker. Thank you, ladies, for always answering the call to volunteer. Again, the dependable Kiwanis came to unload and reload the truck. They were Kris Bielema, Nick Becker, Deb Stiefel, Lawrence “Ike” Isaacsen, Gary Spencer, and Eric Kull.

Included in the generous people that came in the doors that day were four double-red-cell donors:  Jack Bland, David Abele, Donald E. Smith, and Dwaine Schroeder. Thanks so much for being “twice-as-nice.” There was one first-timer, but she did not want her name printed. I am so glad that she has joined the ranks and hope she becomes a regular donor! Though we did not reach the ARC goal of 44 good units, we had 41 wonderful people who came through our doors, to help someone they do not even know. The complete list of donor names giving of their time were Kent Stralow, Keith Wiersema, Randy Kuehl, Stephanie Vavra, Bradley Bielema, Marsha Geerts, Steve Geerts, Vicky Slaymaker, Joe Bielema, Lorna Temple, Renee Vanderlaan, Bill Kuehl, Chris Hawkins, Jim Fisher, Lisa Nice, Marian Dykema, Kristine Honeycutt, Sharon Boyles, Mary Latwesen, Margaret Barr, Kaywyn Beswick, Tim West, Adrienna Rombouts, Carolyn Aiken, Arnie Damhoff, Connie Swanson-DeSpain, Nancy Shank, Callie Bush, David Temple, and Janet Manchester.  Two women andfive  men did not want their names printed. (I know who they are, and I appreciate their time and effort.)

There were only six prospective appointments that did not make it in, and only five people were deferred. Our 12 walk-ins made up for those numbers.

The next ARC Blood Drive in Morrison will be on Thursday, July 16, at Morrison United Methodist Church, 200 W.Lincolnway, from noon to 6:00 p.m. Please join us, and bring in a friend, neighbor, spouse, or coworker along. We have good food, great music, and lots of visiting and fun!  

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