March 9 City Council Report

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On Monday, March 9, 2015, the City of Morrison Council convened at 7:00 p.m. in the Whiteside County Board Room, 400 N. Cherry Street, Morrison, IL, and adjourned at 7:34. 

In attendance were Mayor Everett PannierCity Clerk Melanie Schroeder, City Administrator Barry Dykhuizen; Aldermen Curt Bender, Michael Blean, Scott Connelly, Dale Eizenga, Dave Helms, Leo Sullivan, Marti Wood and Harvey Zuidema; Treasurer Evan Haag; Director of Public Works Gary Tresenriter; Police Chief Brian Melton; Fehr-Graham City Engineer Shawn Ortiegson.

Reports of Department HeadsTresenriter stated, “The EPA Permit Section reviewed and approved our facility plan and approved our cost reductions.  The Financial Department needs to approve the final costs.”  He will, “in the next couple weeks,” submit a loan application for the waste water treatment project.  He visited people in regard to granting easements; two residents sounded confident that “we’ll get them next week.  We have three now.”  He called regarding a permit that “should be signed in a couple weeks.”

The Consent Agenda was approved without discussion.

  • February 23, 2015, Regular Session Minutes
  • March 3, 2015 Special Session (Budget) Minutes
  • Bills Payable of  $74,130.23

Items for Consideration and Possible Action:  Resolution #15-01, was approved,  It urges the Governor and General Assembly to protect full funding of local government distributive revenues.  It originated with the Illinois Municipalities League, stated CA Dykhuizen, and was sent to many cities to consider.  Mayor Pannier explained Governor Bruce Rauner wants to cut 50% of the payments to Illinois cities.  This would cause a loss of $207,306 in Morrison’s General Fund. 

Other Items for Consideration, Discussion, and Information

  • CA Dykhuizen addressed street projects, saying he and Tresenriter felt a large repair project “might be on the aggressive side, [if] it runs the MFT funds [way down.]  There are unknowns [due to the Governor’s proposal.]  Something in the $175,000 range we would be comfortable with.  [His example included spending] $175,000 on a project; $50,000 on sealcoating; leaving $100,000 in the MFT account.”  Discussion of options followed:  maintain Wall Street now and make it a top priority when 1% sales tax revenues come in; repair Orange Street from Wall Street to U. S. Route 30; begin engineering preparation on Wall Street for next year; sealcoat South and Morris Streets this fall.  Tresenriter added, “I’d try to do one [street] in each ward.”   
  • An agreement pertaining to costs of the Fire Department building was agreed upon by the firefighters through their counsel and City Atttorney Tim Zollinger.  “They cover the gas, and we cover everything else,” CA Dykhuizen said.
  • The next Special Session (Budget) Meeting will be held Wednesday, March 18, at 6:00 p.m. in the lower-level Boards and Commissions meeting room of City Hall, 200 W. Main Street, Morrison.

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