61 Years of GE Memories for Christmas

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better coverWere you part of the General Electric Appliance Control Department “family” in Morrison, IL?  You will thoroughly enjoy this locally-produced book that documents the company’s 61-year history.  This is an attractive, readable book for former employees, family, and those curious about the reign of this dynamic company.  It would be a perfect Christmas gift.

However, only four copies remain.

The book’s title parallels the length of GE’s enterprise in Morrison:  General Electric Appliance Control Department, A Legacy Beyond 61 Years, June 1949 to September 2010.  This 80-page, hardcover book is 9.5 x 8 inches and was produced by thecity1.com, Morrison Online.

Look for yourself in the 230 photos.  Many are from in-house photographers, who chronicled daily life at GEACD and outside events.  They will surely bring back memories. 

A front cover aerial photo shows the GE plant in the winter of 1949-1950.  Vintage cars in the parking lot help date the photo.  On the back is an aerial photo of the recent plant.



  • Stan Mitick, below left, wrote a 52-page History of GEACD divided into eight decades.  Those titles bear GE slogans from each era. 
  • He and Bob Damerow, right, described 19 Associations, Services, and Education Programs available to GE  personnel.
  • Mitick concluded with an Appendix of Technologies Used and Controls Built over the years.

Call Stephanie Vavra at 815-772-8718 to obtain your copy, or stop at thecity1.com new location, 230 E. Main Street, Morrison.  The hardback price is $48–$0.79 per year, $0.21 per photo, or $0.60 per page.  However you figure, it is a value!

2stan bob

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