Historical Society to Host General and Mrs. U. S. Grant

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Turn to the first page of your new, 2015 calendar to mark this unique event for older youth and adults.  Plan to meet a man who toiled at many jobs with little success, until he joined the military.  He stated, “Labor disgraces no man.  Unfortunately, you occasionally find men who disgrace labor.”

Area citizens are cordially invited to meet former President Ulysses S. Grant and Mrs. Julia Dent Grant on Sunday, January 18, 2015, at a Potluck Dinner and reception.  The event will be hosted by Morrison Historical Society and held at Morrison United Methodist Church, 200 W. Lincolnway Road, Morrison, IL.  Doors open at 12:30 p.m.  The Potluck Dinner begins at 1:00 followed by a brief Annual Meeting.  The Grants’ program is at 2:15.  There is no charge to attend.

Please bring a dish to pass and your table service; beverages will be provided.  If you cannot attend the dinner, kindly join us for this very special program at 2:15 in the Heritage Hall.


Ulysses S. and Julia Dent Grant, historical Interpreters will present their program, “From Handscrabble to the White House.”  It focuses on the Grants’ entire life together, with stories that illustrate the various stages in their lives.  Be sure to ask why he uses the name Ulysses S., when he was not named this at birth, April 27, 1822.  Who do you suppose he asked to write his best-selling memoire after leaving office?  That celebrated author is a former presenter at Morrison’s Heritage Museum.

Scott Whitney, a retired math and science teacher, portrays General Ulysses S. Grant, Commander of the Union armies beginning in 1864, and the 18th–and youngest at the time–President of the United States, beginning in 1869.  Peggy Whitney, a retired elementary teacher, portrays Julia Dent Grant.  The couple have made hundreds of appearances in the last 12 years in Milwaukee, WI; Chicago, Galena, and Springfield, IL; St. Louis, MO; Columbus, OH; Gettysburg, PA; many other venues. 

USGrant-BradyDid you meet the Grants when they were in Morrison on Saturday, July 9, 2005, during the Sesquicentennial celebration?  They visited the soldiers of the American Civil War and met with President Abraham Lincoln.

The Whitneys are active in the Seward Historical Society and are members of the U. S. Grant Association, a group of Grant scholars and aficionados. 

Bringing history to life is their passion.  Come hear for yourself and bring a guest.

The photo of Grant alone was photographed by Mathew B. Brady and hangs in the National Archives in Washington, D. C.


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