Personnel Returns Fill Agenda

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By Assistant Editor Jerry Lindsey.

The MCUD 6 Board of Directors was presented with an Agenda filled with personnel renewals and new hires, as they convened in the District Office on Monday, October 16, 2023.

Following brief monthly summaries from the attending School Administrators, a motion was approved to hire the following individuals:

               * Marcia Fisk – Substitute Cafeteria Server

               * Jason Banks – 5th-grade Basketball Coach

               * Trisha Ostendorf – 1-on-1 Aide at MJHS

                *Ann Mills – Library Aide at MJHS

                *Kim Straight – Paraprofessional at Southside Elementary.

In additional Action, the Board approved:

a) a retirement request of Sandra Bechtel as a Math teacher at MHS, effective the end of the 2025-2026 school year

 b) contract renewal with William Patton to serve as the District’s Director of Technology for the 2024 fiscal year

c) contract renewal for Steve Bechtel to serve as the District Systems Administrator for the 2024 fiscal year

 d) contract renewal for Lynelle Criss to serve as the District Food Service Director for the 2024 fiscal year

 e) contract with Kyla Hanson to serve as District Finance Director for the 2024 fiscal year

 f) contract with Jon Heusinkveld to serve as District Facility Director for the 2024 fiscal year

g) Andy Riggen to serve as District Technology Support Specialist for the 2024 fiscal year.

 Andy Harridge, Principal of Northside Elementary, and Joe Robbins, Principal of Morrison Junior High School, were approved contracts retroactive to July 1, 2023.

At the request of Principal Harridge, the report card at Northside Elementary was approved to receive an alteration, using number grades 1-5, to simplify reporting.

A unanimous vote was recorded that formalized the District Search and Seizure procedures, effective beginning in the 2023-2024 school year. The guidelines define procedures for searching lockers, bags, and individual(s) in the event that such a search is necessary.

In a Non-Action item, the Board discussed the possibility of forming a Boys Swim Team to facilitate the interest of eight individuals desiring to compete in this sport. Action will be forthcoming at a future Board meeting.

In closing, Superintendent Vance informed the gathering of the formation of a Parent Advisory Committee, that will welcome parent concerns relating to District issues and will communicate these concerns to the Board of Education, in search of resolution and/or improved understanding.

The next meeting of the Morrison District 6 School Board is scheduled for 6:30 p.m., on November 27, at the District Office, located in the Farm Bureau building, 100 E. Knox Street.