Pets Receive Special Blessing

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Pets PiperOn Sunday, October 12, 2014, at United Methodist Church, 200 W. Lincolnway, in Morrison, IL, furry family members were invited to receive a special blessing, after the 10:15 a.m. service.  At approximately 11:40, Pastor Ryan Sutton gathered in the parking lot with several dog owners and one cat lover, for a short Blessing of the Pets service.

“We bless the animals, because we recognize them as important partners with us in this life and that we were given responsibility to care for them,” he stated.  “The animals of God’s creation live in the skies, [on] the earth, and [in] the sea.  They share in the changes that occur in our world and have an important part in both the good and the difficult times.”  Bible scripture from Matthew 6:25-29 was read.

Pat and Doug Cassens brought this charmer, a mixed breed named Piper.  She is just four months old and may grow to be eight pounds.

Some of the participants included Kim (Bruce) Hunter’s pair of Miniature Schnauzers; Sharon (Patrick) Moore’s half-sibling Basset Hounds; a few Yorkshire Terriers; Jan (Tom) Beveroth’s Miniature Poodle and three-pawed Bichon Frisé; several other canines. 

Jean Tichler brought Lexi Lu, her ten-year-old Dilute Calico cat.  The pastel feline is healthy and never ventures outdoors.  A series of medium-sized dogs calmly awaited their blessing.  The many dogs were well behaved, with no barking or aggression toward others.

Pets LexiLuPets unknown

Moore’s Bassets are named Grover Cleveland, age 6, (in front) and Frannie, age 5, who is named for the late President’s wife, Frances.  They were purchased in Missouri but are not a breeding pair.  They share a sire.  Grover and Frannie added humor to the ceremony when they bayed on cue during the E-I-E-I-O portion of the song, “God Made All the Animals,” as the humans sang “with a woof-woof here….”  Before the service the hounds held a meet-and-sniff with Hunter’s Schnauzers.  The 14-month old twin are family pets Annie and Allie.  They were purchased in Springfield, IL, on Sunday, January 26, during the worst snowstorm of 2014.  Fortunately, after leaving Whiteside County, the weather cleared for a safe journey to purchase the puppies.   

Pets SharonKim

Jan Beveroth, left, brought two rescue dogs to the event.  Seven-year-old Sammy is a Miniature Poodle.  Jan’s daughter, Katie Rider, holds ten-year-old Sophie, a Bichon Frisé.  She stated the breed is used as circus dogs, because they are keen to do tricks.  Rider’s daughter, Emmeline, enjoyed seeing Grandma’s dogs at church.

Pets Beveroth

Dog treats were provided by Pastor Sutton for canines after their individualized naming and blessing.  His final blessing included the bipeds, too:  “May God, who created all the animals of this earth, continue to protect and sustain us all–now and forever.  Amen”

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