Brian Bartoz, Staff Member of the Month

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Article written and photos by Assistant Editor Jerry Lindsey.

Morrison High School Principal David Mills, left, introduced a new Staff Recognition Program. It allows students to recognize by their individual votes a Morrison High School staff member worthy of being named “Staff Member of the Month.” Student responses will be tallied monthly. The leading vote recipient will receive a free lunch from the local establishment of their choice. This meal will be shared in the Cafeteria, following a brief announcement with a select students whose comments aided the selection.

The August 2023 announcement occurred on Friday, September 1, during the lunch period, where Brian Bartoz was named the August “Staff Member of the Month.” Students acknowledged the award. Principal Mills presented Bartoz with treats from Taco Bell that were to be shared with the students.

Following are a few of the numerous student comments offered during the August voting.

  • He’s the best teacher.
  • Mr. Bartoz dedicates himself to his work and his students and seems to genuinely love everyone. He is positive and brightens everyone’s day.
  • He does so much for this school that he does not have to. He honestly seems to want every, single one of his students to succeed, and he is so, so, so, nice!
  • Mr. Bartoz consistently works hard to make Morrison a better place. Over the summer, Bartoz volunteered for multiple community events and spent a lot of time assisting students in Driver’s Education.
  • He is VERY HELPFUL. He goes out of his way to make school fun for students. He has his door open to anyone who would like to talk to him….He always makes sure to say hello to everyone who passes him in the hall and asks how their day is going.
  • He is one of the most helpful teachers in this school. He has done a lot for this school.