MCUD6 Bans Phones and Backpacks in Classroom

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Written by Assistant Editor Jerry Lindsey.

MCUD6 Board of Education President Erin Luckey called the meeting to order on Wednesday, August 16, 2023, with all members in attendance.  Non-agenda items were noted prior to the Agenda discussion that included: the bid on the resurfacing of athletic track at the High School would be available Saturday, August 19, 2023, and the 2023-24 MCUD 6 Budget would be voted on at a September Board Meeting. The Budget carries these highlights:
* R.C. Smith Transportation increase of 5%
* Registration fees increase $10/student
* Lunch charges increase by $0.25/meal
* Extra-curricular activities increased by $10/activity.
* WACC participation increased to $100-$150/student.
* Summer School = $175/course.
* Fees for Free and Reduced Lunches will not be charged.

The Budget is available for review on the school website, for 30 days prior to the final vote.

Superintendent Scott Vance announced that the 2023-24 High School Student Handbook has been revised, to ban all phones and all backpacks from all classroom activities.

Additional actions agreed by unanimous votes included a.) purchase of a new 8-burner stove/oven for the kitchen at the cost of $8300; b.) payroll rates for Substitute teachers increased to $110/day (day 1-10) and $155/day (long-term substitutes.)

Personnel Action hiring approvals included
a. Hilary McDearmon, Long Term ELA Substitute at MHS
b. Quinn Sedig, Long Term K-5 Art Substitute
c. Jacob Schlegel, Long Term PE Substitute at MHS.

A Coaches Code of Conduct–stating desired conduct and penalties for the failure to perform within such guidelines –will be presented at the September Board meeting and offered for an approval vote.

The MCUD6 School Board will meet again on Monday, September 18, 2023, beginning at 6:30 p.m. in the District Office.