MCUD6 Prepares for 2023-2024

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Assistant Editor Jerry Lindsey wrote the report.

The Monday, July 24, 2023, meeting of the MCUD 6 Board of Education opened with notification, that the new air conditioning unit recently installed at the Junior High would be operational, prior to the opening of the fall semester.  Additional opening comments noted that, a bid to upgrade the High School track would be forthcoming within two weeks; all 2023-2024 fees would be presented at the Wednesday, August 16, Board meeting for final approval.

Failure to follow proper procedures forced the tabling of a motion to purchase new Math textbooks for Junior and Senior High Schools.

Additional Action Items were approved:
1. the motion that the Board of Education approves the resignation of Kelly Holland as a Certified School Counselor at Morrison Junior High School, effective July 24, 2023.
2. the motion that the Board of Education approves the resignation of Kelsie Pudlas as Band Director at Morrison High School and Morrison Junior High School, effective July 24, 2023.
3. the motion that the Board of Education approves the hiring of Anni Suman as Band Director at Morrison Junior High School and Morrison High School, for the 2023-2024 school year.

Several Items were offered for Discussion without action to approve. Topics that may be on future agendas are
a. use of a $100,000 grant over the next three years
b. questions about the format of desired “Climate Survey”
c. staff bonus for completing Teacher Education Advancements.

A closing Comment of Appreciation was extended to Teacher Brian Bartoz, for his summer contribution to enhance the appearance of the campus.